Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What Does The Wedding Cake Represent And Your Wedding Vows...

I am sure there is some great mystery to why we have cake after a wedding;
I haven't googled this or do I care too!

But to me, I think a wedding cake allows us to see that to start
One's life of becoming one flesh through symbolic traditions is a good thing!

Marriages are to be sweet and sturdy and filled with good things.
They should a have a lovely appearance!
A marriage should cover some of the flaws we carried when we were single!

The inside should be filled with substance and not just fluff;
Marriage is hard work, yet it is worth it all!

Did you know most marriage vows have no longer 
included the phrase till death do us part?

Look, I get it, sometimes marriage has not worked for some of you!
But I still think we need to look at marriage with the permanently,
Mindset that God intended!

Why is it that the bride and groom begin their marriage by;
Cutting the cake together?

Well, I think it is because doing life alone is not all the wonderful!
Many have lost their spouse and feel the deep loss of that daily!

I realize that this life is not all one big party!
But we are to start down the path in the right manner!
Marriage vows...
Wedding cake to say we are doing this together!

I think that is why when I have been at a wedding and have witnessed
A newly married bride and groom who shove cake into each others face,
It grieves me!

Give honor and reverence for those lovely traditions that;
Carry weight in showing love and respect!

I think of those that are starving in past history and in a dark time
"When someone who held prestige made the statement to those
who had none or very little;
Let's eat cake"

We are to be blessed and to eat the goodness of this life
and in the bounds of marriage!

It is never too late to start working on a better marriage!
Make your vows come alive again!
Fan the flame of your witness to each other!

Blessings, Roxy


  1. I agree. So many today go into marriage with an If-it-doesn't-work-out attitude. I recently saw the poll that 60% of marriages end in divorce. I can remember a time in my life, when I didn't think we would make it but because divorce was not an option for us, we pressed on through it. I certainly don't judge others who have walked a terrible path of abuse, infidelity and such. I just know that God walks with us. BTW, the cake is one of the prettiest I have ever seen.

  2. A very good word Roxy. Marriage is a commitment joining two different souls into one... not an easy thing, but one that does require a commitment... without a commitment to making a marriage work, no wonder so many marriages have gone by the wayside. Blessings to you today Roxy :)

  3. Simply Beautiful Roxy and so well said. Marriage is a commitment with each giving 100 percent. I hear so many say, it's 50/50 but I feel that's only working at it half way. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a great week. Blessings xo

  4. Thought I'd surprise you and visit first. That is one beautiful cake...the ruffles remind me of a wedding dress. I agree with you... when the bride or groom shoves cake in the other's face, it does not bode well for the success of their marriage.

  5. I cannot believe that most marriage vows have no longer
    included the phrase "till death do us part" .. it's incredible !!!
    Marriage is such a great promise ... but it's also true that the number of divorces is growing ... alas !

    Thank you darling Roxy for such an interesting post I've enjoyed so much reading,
    sending blessings on the remainder of your week
    with much love and thankfulness

  6. Beautifully said, my friend. Ah, marriage is such a precious gift and one that must be cherished. I am finding {as you already know} that marriage gets only better with time and the love I have for my husband is continually growing and deepening.

    Thank you so much for joining Roses of Inspiration. It's always a blessing to have you at the party. Hugs!

  7. The cake is just beautiful, Roxy! The middle layers look like plates with ruffled edges, waiting to hold a slice of delicious cake. I agree with you on never liking the bride and groom to shove cake into each other's mouths. It doesn't bode well with me, either. Marriage should be respectful right from the very beginning. Thank you for expressing your wisdom so well!

  8. I never liked that cake-smushing "tradition" either, we just fed each other a forkful after we cut our wedding cake. My cousin and his wife smushed cake in each other's faces at their reception, and it seems like they've been at odds in their marriage ever since!


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