Sunday, January 24, 2016

Vintage And Rose And A Sweet And Gentle Spirit...

This was a card sent to me many years ago, I just always thought it was so pretty.
 I do have a fondness for Victorian pictures.
 It must be the angelic sweetness that seems to emanate from them.

So many times I feel insulted by the offensive things that abound in our world.

But we woman can create  a home that is filled with things that bring a sense of well being.
Being a homemaker is a powerful ministry.
 I chose to keep my home the center of my affection, of course after Christ.
 As a Godly atmosphere  is what makes a home! 
Being able to take the time or in some cases to make the time.
To make your home clean and comfortable,
Yet filled with sweet treasures of color and beauty!

I think we can take a bit of imagination and spray paint;
And make a new look or refresh an older item of our home!

So many cute ideas that can be done with just some chalkboard paint!

I have seen many blog posts about how many women have taken things 
from their closets or Goodwill and revamped them into a treasure.

I also think it is a good idea to have a box or tub to have
Put aside to have other pictures or glassware for decorating,
and changing your rooms around.
This can be seasonal or just different color schemes.

Whether you like vintage or eclectic in style,
you can always make every room seem special and warm,
An inviting and to want to linger there!

I also want to mention this is that even if a home is decorated to the nines,
Being a woman that resides there that has a sweet and gentle spirit.
Is what really makes a home cozy and lovely!

I do hope to write a post on this topic soon!
A Sweet And Gentle Spirit...

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Hello Roxy,
    I love how you put the pretty card into the frame. I love vintage photos too. Winter time is perfect for bringing color into the home. Thanks for the lovely post. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  2. Such a beautiful post. I agree with your thoughts today. I like to make things as cozy as possible on a budget and not being wasteful. Thank you for the encouragement.

  3. My friend reminds me that I can go shopping in my own home by simply moving things to a new space or digging through closets to bring out something different to display. There are so many ways to make things feel new and fresh. I agree with you....the one decoration that makes a house a home is the loving cheerful woman that lives and works there every day.
    Love you encourage us ladies so much!

  4. Love the beautiful image too Roxy! Victorian girls do have the sweetest faces. Making our homes warm and welcoming does not have to be expensive. Like you mentioned, making things over is fun and help to reflect our personalities. We want our homes to bit of us.

  5. Your words are so true!! Your photo is beautiful.


  6. This is so pretty and soothing and so true. Your writing is like prose.

  7. I like my home to be clean and crisp, but I also love that my home is lived in. There's a warmth and a cozy feeling within my walls. I take pride and joy keeping my home in order and from time to time it's nice to rearrange things and bring in different colors. Sometimes just changing my knick knacks help!
    Enjoy your week and may you slow down enough to enjoy the simple things!
    Hugs, Amy

  8. I loved this sweet post and your heart mirrors mine in the way you keep your home and your heart.

  9. Hello Roxy,
    I couldn't agree more. Your words are so true. I'm looking forward to your next writings on this subject.
    Blessings Gail

  10. I love the Victorian era too, I do think there was a sweetness and charm about it that is missing in our world today. Rearranging a few little things and "shopping the house" is definitely a wonderful thing to do! I have been doing much of the same myself. Hope you have had a wonderful day!

  11. I love everything Victorian and sometimes I fantasize about how cool it would be to travel back in time to this era...just for a little while. I enjoy creating little vignettes here and there that reflect it and yours is truly lovely!

  12. It is important to have our homes reflect ourselves, and having a warm and cozy house is important just for my own sake. I so agree with you, Roxy, Rearranging and changing things up can make all the difference.

  13. Hello Roxy :0) the Victorian era is filled with so much beauty...but then any era has its beautiful things :0) Thank you so much for sharing these words with me this morning. Since becoming home bound, I am slowly finding so much joy in just staying home. It is certainly from Our Lord that I have this urge to make my cottage beautiful!

    Thank you again for stopping by the cottage. Thank you so much for your prayers... blessings to you, mari

  14. I so love Victorian too Roxy! We should be proud of our homes and set the tone for our families! Lovely post today!

  15. I so love the vintage card you have in you frame, you know how fond I am of Victorian age, its forniture, paintings and traditions ... probably i was born in the wrong age :) !
    Sending blessings to you, my dearest Roxy
    with so much dear love

  16. This post ties in with a post I was inspired by while sitting in the dentist's chair listening to piped in music.

    The lyric that caught my ear was something like, "not just living a life, but living it well".

    My husband is a fabulous cook and he spends a lot of time creating gourmet meals for me. I always compliment his efforts by taking as much time with my table settings. We're not just eating a meal, we are savoring the time together.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  17. I enjoyed reading this Roxy. Thank you once again for the sweet Titus 2 encouragement!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!