Monday, February 29, 2016

Saying I Love You...

Friends, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Saying I love YOU...

~Some words carry weight and life~
Why we must be asking these questions,

Why do you love me?
Why do I love you?

Because without love, we would die a slow and painful death!

We are warned in scripture that the love of most will grow cold...

If I wrote a bestseller book and had not love
If I lived in a mansion and had not love
If I knew hundreds of people, but had no friends;
Love is a commodity worth millions...

Love is a terrible thing to waste,
But we all know we can not love everything that some people are doing!
Love the sinner, hate the sin!

If you have been given the chance to extend true friendship;
Honor it
Grow it
Keep it

I Love You...
Because He first loved me!


  1. Years ago we had some friends of ours gift us with a beautiful gold nativity ornament, and on the back was written "We love you because He first loved us." At the time I thought it was weird (yeah, can't explain that) but soon came to realize that it is true. We are incapable of an agape kind of love without the Father!

    Love to you, Roxy! Hope you are well. Your Roses are gorgeous and make the perfect image for this post. {{hugs}}

  2. Beautiful truth here, Roxy! Blessings on your week!

  3. Beautiful roses, and lovely thought Roxy! As humans, we can love each other when that love is returned to us. But when we know Christ, we can extend the love of Christ to others who don't love us back. A big difference! The love of Christ, how rich, how deep, how pure, how measureless and strong! We may never know the depths of the unmerited love of our Saviour! Love and appreciate you today!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!