Monday, March 7, 2016

Hormones In All Their Glory...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When I feel the weight of a long day, I tend to seek quiet and comfort.

Our days are a bit like the weather;
Or shall I say a bit like hormones...
I am glad that I am not programed with set responses.

Yet, I do not want to live my days controlled by hormones.
I guess you could say we can't live with our hormones
Without them!

As a woman we have been given the gift of hormones!
But as anything if we have to much or to little it can be a problem.

But in our modern day our foods are ladened with hormones,
But these hormones can cause other problems.

We need hormones...
When we are in our teens those hormones can rage.
But as we age, we can become low in certain ones.
I personally have chosen to take a very low dose of Estrogen to help me!
I really did not want to take it, but the quality of life;
Is maybe the better choice right now!

Do you find yourself feeling a bit weepy?

I have found myself feeling weepy in the long evenings.
I find myself crying as I watch Hallmark movies.
I can sit down and look at old photos and feel a sadness that all those
 Sweet memories, have come and gone...
 Yet, it seems like they happened just last week.

I am so thankful to have these photos of my memories as I can see visually 
they have played a big part in who I have become today.
And I can also see the changes of our growth.

A wife that has been loved well!
A Mother that had the joy of raising them into amazing adults.
A Grandmother that has a blessed inheritance!

Sometimes I just need a good cry...



  1. Oh friend, how your post hit home...and it made me smile. There are days that I say to my sweet hubby, "I just feel like crying and I don't know why!" He will then take me in his arms and hold me while I have a good cry. Sometimes we need to just let it out and I must say that often I feel very refreshed afterwards!

    Time goes so quickly and I am so thankful for the memories and special moments the Lord gives us.

    Have a beautiful day, my friend. I was thinking of you while I played the piano the other day - how are your lessons?

    Love and hugs to you!

  2. Yes.
    Just yes.
    How quickly I went from a young woman concerned only with building her family to a mid life woman staring The Change right in the face.
    Those pesky hormones...crying, worrying, fretting, on and on.
    There is comfort in knowing I am not alone.
    Have a cozy evening. : )

  3. Hi Roxy! Oh, I can relate! My sister and I were just discussing how hormones have such a big impact on life sometimes. I have found that my anxiety/depression is linked to my hormones so that can be challenging at times. Some months are easy peasy yet others are definitely more of a struggle.

  4. I can relate, too, Roxy. So far, I've done nothing, but sometimes I think I'd like to.

  5. You know these hormones are like a love hate relationship. ;) Sometimes you just have to cry and let it all out. I promise you'll feel better afterwards.
    Time sure does fly by in a blink of an eye... Enjoy the little moments while you can!
    Hugs, Amy

  6. Your post today was so right on, Roxy! I have been without most of mine for many years...I had a total hysterectomy as a young woman of 34. I am so thankful that I was able to have my two boys before my surgery! All in all, I have to thank the Lord as well for letting me get by without having to take replacements any longer. Oh yes...I had many of those days where I would cry at the drop of a hat (years ago) but feel so very grateful I have had no real issues to speak of. Having a good cry every now and then can also be a good thing! :)

  7. I can relate you, we all have moments of discomfort, I think it's not normal not to feel them ... and I'd love to hold you in my arms when you feel so ... !
    Sending blessings to you, my dearest Roxy,
    may the remainder of your week be filled with love,
    thinking of you with so much gratitude !


  8. Did you know that stress hormones and/or toxins are released in tears? :-) Tears are a gift from God when they don't overwhelm our lives excessively. A good cry really does bring relief. He meant that it should. Psalms 56:8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

    I wonder if the tears that come out so easily in these later hormonal years are any reflection on the ones we wanted to shed and didn't in the past. A mystery to be solved in Heaven.

    I use a natural progesterone cream which is helpful to me.

  9. Hi Roxy, your post is so very true and we all face this time of life in different ways. It is good for us all to have a good cry now and then. It refreshes and clears our thoughts. Hormones, can't live with them and can't live without them!! haha. Thanks for sharing this lovely post.
    Blessings to you my friend. xo

  10. Oh my Roxy, that first photo made my heart skip a beat! I have always been a weepy sap when it comes to old movies. Found myself bawling like a baby at the finale of Downton Abbey. At least they were tears of joy. Everything ended wonderfully! I am going to miss that show. I think we all need a good cry and a good laugh on a regular basis.

  11. Hi Roxy, I so understand your post; at 64 my hormones have long since sailed and after my hysterectomy last year any remaining left for good. I decided not to take hormones and they might have helped me at some point years ago. Without them, I used to feel the opposite of emotional-almost devoid of any feelings-which isn't a good thing at all.
    Hope you are having good weather, we are having a nice morning here but expect the clouds to roll in later.

  12. Aww Roxy, I do understand how you feel! It is good to have a good cry now and then and a good laugh! I love that pretty photo! Do take care and I hope you have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Julie

  13. Oh, I think we have ALL been there! I am really working on using herbs to help out with balancing the hormones (red raspberry leaf tea and maca root)... Those WAAAAh days just aren't welcome to me :) But sometimes a good cry does feel good! :)

  14. Oh Roxy, again you've hit on a subject that is not easily discussed. Those hormones that the Lord blessed us with can really cause turmoil when they get out of whack. Taking a bit of estrogen cream may really help you, and kind of balance out the changes in your body, and a good cry - oh yes, sometimes just what we need to let things out and then we can move on again. I like what Mary Stephens said about the toxins coming out when we cry, I do believe that must be true! Hugs to you Roxy, for sharing what is on your heart in a meaningful way!


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