Friday, March 11, 2016

Why Laziness Will Bring Ruin Upon Your Homes...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


If you don’t think laziness is a problem in America,
 Consider the fact that we have a chair, the “Laz-e-boy,” tailored to and marketed to the American home.
And it sells! 

Laziness, much like selfishness, is bent toward the self,
 But it gets its marching orders from the comfort committee.
 We desire the comfort and refuse to do anything difficult because it could be uncomfortable.

 Laziness is chiefly about preserving and promoting the perception of personal comfort.
 And laziness becomes a lie to yourself and others!

 We should know when there is a problem in our marriages and our homes,

 And we should also know that it requires a change, perhaps even a painful change.
 So what happens? 
"Laziness say's, “Oh, I’ll get to this another time.”
 Or laziness says convincingly, “It’s not that bad. 

Waiting to later can result in a broken marriage!
Your home turning into a broken down shack!

Laziness is a terrible crisis in our culture!

Time and energy is a gift from the Lord!

Get busy and spring clean your homes!

Get busy and give some attention to your marriage!

Get busy and clean up your yards!

Do not be like the slugger, or sloth!

Work and use your time wisely...


  1. Just the nudge I need. I've been sick a couple of days and feeling lazy because of it. I'm going to try to get busy tomorrow.

  2. Well, I can wholeheartedly agree dear Roxy! Just had a conversation today with a friend about how necessary work is to a healthy mind, body and soul. We need to do some form of work if we are at all able to. Laziness is a terrible thing, as we see all through the book of Proverbs. Just getting up and getting started on a difficult project helps to get it done. Always love your insightful posts, they make my day :)

  3. Probably I have the opposite problem, my dearest Roxy {{smiles}} !
    As you can see I'm trying to catch up, I'm so very late with my comments, since I'm living such a busy period in my life, alas !

    And when I cannot come and visit you here, I miss you and your wonderful blog so very much, sweetie !

    Sending blessings of joy on your weekend,
    thinking of you with love and gratitude

  4. I've been sick for about 3 weeks, and felt unable to do much at all. Now I'm back to health, and really enjoying doing some spring cleaning! Got tired of sitting around!
    I always think how hard my grandparents worked when I get tired. No one would ever accuse them of being lazy! Even in her later years, when my grandmother would watch a TV show, she was always knitting or crocheting etc. She accomplished so much!

  5. I love to stay busy and with a house to run, boys to take care of, a new puppy to keep an eye on and well this thing called keeps me on my feet!
    I do however enjoy rest time on occasion! ;)
    It seems as though the generation of kids now days, don't want to do anything...its so sad. I'm training my boys to have a strong work ethic and enjoy learning new things. No laziness here!
    Enjoy your day!
    Hugs, Amy

  6. Such a true statement, and post! We get in the rut of laziness it seems, and have to make a conscious effort to get out of it! I can make so many excuses for not doing what needs to be done, and then it just gets ridiculous! Laziness seems to be the first step into depression...and then it's all just a downhill slide.
    Love this post!!! Hits me in the face!!

  7. What a true post, Roxy! It is sooooo good for the mind, body and soul to keep busy. Keeping busy has helped me with the loss of my beloved hubby, that's for sure.
    Also, your post on hormones, was so true, too! I love reading your thoughts. Have a blessed day!

  8. For someone who procrastinates too often I also appreciated this post Roxy. I often must remember what my priorities are in order to be who God created me to be. Blessings Roxy!


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