Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Get Back On Your Horse And Ride...


Ride Like The Wind

Sometimes we just need to face our fears!

Riding into them at times can push back the doubt and the unknown!

When my son was a young man he use to go camping,
Sometimes by himself or at times with a friend.
I will always remember what he told me one time that his best friend said
on a very dark evening when it was time to go to sleep.
My son told him not to be afraid of the dark!
His friend shouted back,
I am not afraid of the dark!!
"But rather what's in the dark"

We either have the choice to ride into our dark spots,
We all can attest to the fact that many times the dark clouds will
Just dissipate and up ahead, is the clear blue sky and a smooth plain.

The thing I feared the most came upon me...

As I have read that before I had a resolve to not fear the unknown!

But we all know fear is just that fear.

But there are going to be times that sensing fear will be your friend!

Being aware and not being naive is a powerful tool to use!

I have a voice and so do you,
We must speak the truth in love and work on our own hearts!

I do not want to allow the enemy of my soul to be allowed to silence me;
Or to stop me from enjoying my life, one day at a time!

Get back on your horse dear one and ride...

What is your gift?
Are you using it?
It is time to get back to the real life
And live it...

Perseverance is the only way we can have the strength to ride again!

Remember to not just tell the people what they want to hear;
Or to write what is popular, do what matters to you!


  1. Thank God that you published this post, Roxy. The Lord ministered to me through you; I really needed to read this today.

    ~Lady Virtue

  2. I am getting on the horse again~ telling my heart to beat again.

  3. Wonderful encouragement! We need to remember that in our fear, in the dark times of our lives if we know the Lord Jesus, we are not alone! He strengthens us and spurs us on in courage and bravery. I was once told that one isn't brave just to do dangerous things, but being brave is going on when fear is filling us. Courage comes not from our own strength, but from the strength of the Lord enabling us to do great things for Him!

    "God whispers to us in our heart: "Do not fear, I am here and I love you, my dear. Close your eyes and sleep tight for tomorrow will be bright. All is well dear child good night. "" - quote from A Little Golden Book about God.

    " Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. " - Deuteronomy 31: 6
    This spoken to Moses and the nation of Israel, but the same God that was with Moses is with the believer.

  4. Hi Roxy, whenever I fear something, I try to remind myself that fear is not from the Lord, thus, its from the evil one! Helps me to be more objective about the fear. Great post
    God bless

  5. Your posts have been so heartfelt by me!
    First your post on the Stay At Home Grandma and now to face my fears.
    Fear has always been a wall I didn't want to go through, over, around, or under. I stayed away from fear. This post is almost chilling and I really need to ponder it over and over. I need to face my fears!!!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!