Friday, May 27, 2016

No Worries Even In Turbulence Skies...

Flying, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

A comfortable plane ride was about to get bumpy. 
The voice of the captain interrupted in-flight beverage service and asked passengers
 to make sure their seatbelts were fastened. 
Soon the plane began to roll and pitch like a ship on a wind-whipped ocean. 
While the rest of the passengers were doing their best to deal with the turbulence,
 a little girl sat through it all reading her book. 
After the plane landed, she was asked why she had been able to be so calm.
 She responded, 
“My daddy is the pilot and he’s taking me home.”

Whether the storm we encounter today is the result of  or some trial or sorrow
 or just a rough and bumpy ride,
we can be confident that all is not lost. 
Our Pilot can handle the storm. He will get us home.

This is a partial portion of a devotional from 

Sometimes life can be so uncomfortable;
But yet others around us are just smooth sailing.
We are all in different places and in different time zones!
But may we all put our trust in the only hope that will allow us a smooth landing!


  1. Such a beautiful thought...
    Thank you.
    And have a wonderful weekend. : )

  2. Isn't that beautiful?! I read that the other day too, and really liked it.

  3. Love this!!! I hope you have a blessed Memorial Day weekend, Roxy.

  4. What a great story. I have had some really turbulent 'real-life' plane rides when I felt like kissing the ground when we landed. I know that God is my co-pilot though--why do I ever worry? Human nature, I suppose. xo Diana


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