Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Iris Flowers Strong And Hardy And Some History And A Bit Of Wisdom...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Iris's are flowering in so many yards and gardens this time of year!

I love that they are so strong and sturdy!
There flowers has such a unique pattern and shape.

I think we sometimes are so drawn to certain flowers, and the Iris is
Probably not in the top ten picks.

But I love that they are very strong and thrive in even very bad soil,
And can take a beating of high winds.
Also, they seem to double in size every year, so you can dig up a clump
and replant them in another area or give some away.

We need more good things that will repopulate these dry and empty places.
Instead, we are seeing the doubling of the ugly and weird.
We are told to overcome evil with good...

I have been doing a lot of thinking about how involved I am to be
In things outside my home life!

When I stay focused on the main thing God gave me;
I seem to thrive and feel a deep peace.
When I run to and fro, I become scattered!

I do not want to be tossed by the wind that is blowing!

May my roots go deep and to be sturdy and dependable,
To be at home, keeping the home fires burning!

Do you try to impress others?
Do you do things outside the home that make you feel important?

I have found that as I have lived longer is this one thing,
 Is that minding my own business of my
Home And Life And Marriage Is Wise...

Allowing the gate to be opened by busybodies,
Or becoming a busybody in another life is not wise!

I heard a homeless person speaking;
And this is what they said, I love being homeless!
I have no responsibility and not accountable to no one!

The point of this post is this;
Keep busy doing what God has called YOU to do,
Not meddling in another life!

It is not your job to save the world!!
Christ came to accomplish this very thing!
We now have a social Gospel being taught, that tries
to make us feel responsible for others that do not want to work!
Or to be responsible for their own marriage and family and home!

And I am not talking about being kind or sharing your bounty;
I am saying we need to be wise and use the resources and strength,
For our God given tasks!

Yet, I am so ever grateful for those in my life that helped me!
How did I pay them back?
By doing right and obeying God and receiving what they taught me!
A hand up is different then being an enabler...

If you think this is an unkind post;
Think back over what was profitable and what was meddling!

Here is a bit of History...

The iris’s history is rich, dating back to Greece, 
Ancient Egyptian kings marveled in the iris’s exotic nature,
 And drawings have been found on the flower in a number of Egyptian palaces. 
During the Middle Ages, the meaning of irises became linked to the French monarchy, 
and the Fleur-de-lis eventually became the recognized national symbol of France.
 From their earliest years, irises were used to make perfume and as a medicinal remedy.
 Today, they are primarily seen in gardens, in bouquets, and in the wild all over the world.

The English translation of "fleur-de-lis" (sometimes spelled "fleur-de-lys") is "flower of the lily." 
This symbol, depicting a stylized lily or lotus flower, has many meanings. 
Traditionally, it has been used to represent French royalty,
 and in that sense it is said to signify perfection, light, and life. 

The Fleur-de-lis

I have a set of these on my living room wall
They are a black metal that looks lovely on my wall.

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Thank you❤

  2. Roxy, how precious. My Mother loved Irises and the Van Gogh paintings of Irises were her particular favourite. When she passed away at just 60, my husband and I planted 600 (yes, 600!) irises in the marshy part of our sloping acreage as a tribute to her. They flowered generously for several years, before drought here saw them disappear forever. They were glorious in their flowering and helped ease my grief for my Mum at the time. A beautiful post. Thankyou. Mimi xxx

  3. Hi Roxy,
    I actually love irises and tonight, in fact I was having a discussion about them with my next door neighbor whose beautiful irises bloom next to the stonewall that separates our yards. I enjoy them every year but this year they traveled over the wall (yea!)Then today I noticed that they were all on the ground. Perhaps they were too top heavy....Hope you are having a nice week.

  4. Beautiful post. I've seen several new varieties, (to me), of iris this spring. Even brown iris! Thank you for this beautiful post and the thoughts you've had for us.

  5. Great post all around! I'm only doing what God has called me to do and nothing more. I just want to tend to my yard and I'd rather not know anyone else's business. :)
    And I just love the Iris! They are a very unique flower, with lots of different colors! God sure did create such amazing beauty for us to enjoy, didn't he?
    Enjoy your day!

  6. I never knew that the fleur de lis represented the iris! I think orris root powder is from the iris. And I'd love to find some. I've heard it was used a lot by ladies in the past , especially the South, as a perfuming powder.

    Yes, we have plenty to do just minding our own business and our own homes!!

    Hope you're doing well Roxy. xo Deborah


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