Monday, June 6, 2016

How Can We Have A Strong Emotional Constitution...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

You All Should Be Busy Enjoying The Days We Are In...

May I take this moment and enjoy the lovely green fields and all the warmth upon my head.

We have been given the chance to be outdoors and enjoy God's creation.

I have had the thoughts of how fleeting our days truly are!
So in that mode it is so very important to take each day and enjoy it!

Many of us could all say life has not gone according to our plan,
But God is sovereign and He alone knows what is best for us!

I remembered years ago watching a movie about this woman
 that was about to give birth
And mind you this was a very difficult situation, and she said these words;
I am but surely a woman of a strong constitution!

I found that one line very comforting...

Look, we ladies have endured childbirth and times of difficulty;
It may have been hardships of health or of our finances!

But we must not allow ourselves a continual pity part of crying over our struggles.

Life carries on...

I for one refuse to be the dud, I will be like that woman that said she was of a strong

There really is no silver bullet, but there is a silver lining!

I will look to the hills which my help comes from!

I do not want to be like those women who would swoon over a bit of distressing news,
Or a bit of trouble that comes in a difficult season!

Ask the Lord for courage!
Learn to be an overcomer!

Take time to enjoy the simple pleasures!

Do something today to bring you joy and strength!

 Refuse to be a victim of circumstance!

Being emotionally strong means refusing to make excuses.
 Leave the past behind you and focus on getting a little better every day.

Happiness is a choice...

We must make choices that include simplicity, productivity, and passion.

These are not always easy, but we are called to gird up our minds!

Having yourself a good cry can be good for us, but we must not get stuck there!

Blessings, Living For His Glory


  1. Beautiful thoughts on a beautiful morning!
    Thanks for inspiring! : )

  2. Amen!I am new to your blog. I found you from the legacy of home. I truly enjoy your post Roxy.
    God bless

  3. Beautiful post Roxy. Knowing that God directs our path and following his direction is the first step to finding true peace in all circumstances.
    Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post. Wishing you a wonderful evening and week ahead. Blessings to you sweet friend. xo

  4. I totally agree that happiness is a choice Roxy. I have chose to be happy all of my life! It's too short to not be. Love all of God's wonderful creations! If you take time to notice it, you can't help but be happy. Does it mean that I never cry. Of course not, but like you said, I don't get stuck there! Wonderful post!

  5. Thank you for this post, Roxy. It was very encouraging to me. As a woman who has had lots of hard things in her life, from childhood on, it can be tempting sometimes to despair, but we have to learn how to move on from these hard things and enjoy "today", for we are never guaranteed tomorrow! Thank you for this gentle reminder. I hope you are well ♥

  6. You are right, Roxy. We may have trials, and turmoil, and it's okay to grieve losses...but we must not stay there. Life does go on, and time is short. We must trust God's plan and His timing for all things concerning our lives. Seek joy in each day!
    You are a woman with a heart for God. You share your wisdom with other's that need encouragement, and love.
    You inspire me.
    Love to you.

  7. Proverbs 24:10 - "If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small."

    I've had to read and re-read this verse many times so that I might not fear evil tidings and will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, no matter what and come what may. Having a strong emotional constitution definitely needs to be incorporated into my prayers.

    Thank you for another great post, Roxy! ~Lady Virtue

  8. I'm so very thankful to you for this encouraging post, my adorable Roxy, you've truly filled my heart !

    Hope your week is off to a good start I wish you most beautiful days to come, sending you blessings of joy across the many miles,
    with my dearest love

    Xx Dany

  9. Yes, the Lord has brought us all through many, many trials, and we have learned that we can trust Him for the next one. So we shouldn't worry!! Those worries can be replaced with gratitude for all the blessings. Good reminder, Roxy! xo Deborah

  10. I have learned that we cannot and should not depend on anything or any ONE but the Lord for our joy. It's easy to say not to worry and I have been guilty of that at times...we all have...but I have found that simply praying for peace and then receiving it is such a gift from the Lord. The circumstances maybe haven't changed YET but the way we handle them can and do! Great post, Roxy :)

  11. Amen Roxy! I love this. I want to be known as a woman of strength and good constitution like our foremothers Naomi, Esther, Abigail and so forth! With His help we can be strong!


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