Thursday, June 9, 2016

Do Whatever It Takes To Protect Your Children...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~What Would You Do If Someone Grabbed Your Child~

Would you react any different if it was a newborn to your teenager?

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Look, we have a built in system to love and protect;
Well, at least those women do that are not in the category
That have lost the natural maternal instinct God gave them.
Where they love drugs and alcohol or men more than their own offspring.

When I heard about that man that tries to drag away a 13 year old girl away
 while the mother and daughter were standing right next to each other.

Now, that is just brazen and unreal in my mind!
She was grabbed and was being pulled out of the store;
But with her Mother right there she was able to throw herself
over her daughter and hold on to her with all her strength!

This happened in Florida at a Dollar General Store.

Yes, that Mother put up a fight and the man ran out of the store!
Yes the perpetrator was caught in the store's parking lot.

But really, is that what we can now encounter when out and about??

Parenting has reached a whole new dimension, when our children
can be grabbed right out from right next to us!

We had all better be a bit more cautious when out an about with
our children or grandchildren!

Remember when it was safe to allow your children to play outside
or to walk the mall while you were close by?
Well, not anymore dear ones...

I am so thankful that news story had a good ending!
But, once again when a news story gets attention, I think
others try to copycat it and to be noticed.

Be vigilant Ladies
Keep the eyes in the back of your head watching!
Keep your children educated to this danger in the day we live in!

That Mother kicked into the FIGHT mode to save her child!

Beware of public places
Shopping Centers
Walking and Riding Bikes

Seriously, this is what we are hearing and seeing way too often!

Protect what God has entrusted you with!
Keep your kids pictures off the internet
Keep your children close

The weirdos are following you they are looking to whom they may harm!

Always, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. 6 years ago we moved into a house on the outer road to a major highway. Believe me, I've been careful.

  2. Roxy you are so right, I saw that insident on the news also. I have kept my family members in prayer for safety and pray the Lords wisdom and discernment for all of us.

    Thank you for sharing.


  3. Roxy, I heard of that story and it sickened me. Brazen is right! Kids are not safe anymore and it saddens me. We use to walk all over town as a child. Wouldn't dare let my grands do that now days. Great post about the importance of being vigil! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!