Friday, June 10, 2016

Mountains Demand Respect...

These mountains demand respect...

Yes, they are majestic!

But they rule and they do not consider your needs.
They can be brutal and yet have a way to bring you to your knees!

The weather and climate can change in just a few short minutes.
Sunshine to snow in 30 seconds.

Dressing in layers and having survival backpacks is a must!
No hiking away from camp without all possible necessary gear!

A camera is a luxury.
Good hiking boots are a must!

High Altitude can make you really sick,
You have to drink plenty of water and often.

You can get lost very easily,
And walking in a dense forest can be a challenge.
Trees down and underbrush that is super thick.
Roots that live on top of the terrain.
Wild animals live in the forest...
You're in their territory!

I always like to camp in an open meadow and just close to the trees!

We do enjoy getting away from the prairie lands,
Which are very flat and wide.

But God has given us all kinds of beautiful places to enjoy!

Get out there and enjoy some nature!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

1 comment:

  1. Dear Roxy, Love this post and the reminder to pack appropriately for time in the mountains. I often add electrolyte powder to my water, because often you deplete your body of the necessary minerals even when making sure you are drinking enough water. Also I would say a flashlight and a whistle, plus first aid kit. We haven't gone camping in several years-I don't like sleeping on the ground anymore. Hope you have an awesome weekend!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!