Monday, June 13, 2016

How To Be A Good Cook...

Home Cooking

How to be a good cook...
Enjoy preparing your meals,
Enjoy eating them,
Enjoy the company...

I am not obsessed with purity and strictness in my cooking or eating.

I enjoy flavor and texture and simple!
I enjoy the spices and fragrance!

Everything is not organic!
Everything is not sugar free!

I love my kitchen!
I love feeding my Husband and family!

I did learn to cook from my Mother as a young girl;
She was a good cook and took joy in preparing food for us.

So many times we can get stuck in the same foods and dinners,
But for myself that is where I find the comfort for me.

I will try a new dish every once in a while!
I will watch a cooking show and get inspired.
Or a may get a cookbook from the library.

Usually when I am shopping I will see what just looks appetizing,
or what might be on sale!

Preparing meals with food that are in season is always the best!

We eat a lot of asparagus in the spring months when it is fresh and cheap.
And sweet corn in the few weeks it is at its peak.
When you find that when fruits or vegetables are in season they are the best!

Enjoy what you prepare and experiment when the mood hits you!

I just cleaned out my cookbook shelf and I did get rid of many of them.
I always keep a few out and when I am sitting in the kitchen I can look at one
and get inspired, and see the notes I have written next to some of the recipes.

Summer we tend to eat lighter and simpler!
In the fall and winter we need more to feel full.

I try to bake something special once a week.
We try to eat some fish weekly.
I do try to watch the intake of carbohydrates!

Hummus is a good snack food!
Eating crackers and cheese is better than a cookie!
A homemade cookie is healthier than store bought ones!

Everything in moderation...


  1. What a nice happy post. I have chicken soup and biscuits ready for supper tonight.

  2. Hi Roxy, I love all of these great tips on how to be a good cook. :)
    Thanks for sharing with us at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.
    Enjoy the week.

  3. How refreshing to read someone who is not obsessed with organic. We do our best with our food but I almost went broke trying to feed our family organics. I love this post. God bless.

  4. Cooking for our families is a way of loving them. It's wonderful to enjoy foods that God has created for us and like you said, everything in moderation. My parents when I got married gave me a copy of my favourite cookbook from home. The Joy of Cooking has been a mainstay for us and my girls also. Such a joy to care for our families in this way, and I love being in my kitchen. It's one of my happy places. :)

  5. This is such a neat post! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  6. I love this old fashioned advice! Thank you for sharing! :)


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