Saturday, May 7, 2016

Why I Love Linens And Lace...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

There are just some things that just seem like whoever made or designed them
 had a special purpose in mind. And I have always appreciated their effort!

When you take the time to add something that brings just that little pop.

I little tablecloth or doily or table runner just does that in my home!

I also enjoy a nice set of kitchen towels or bathroom towels.

On a few of my widows I have the actual drapes or curtains,
 but I also like to add a lace valance, or a matching fabric for that
extra fullness and touch.

I enjoy keeping my home and rooms in order,
 but it really is just a few little things that make it
cozy and homey!

I enjoy looking at magazines or an antique shop and see how they
Have arranged some of their items on bookcases and end tables and
China hutches. Also, just a word of caution, we can overdo and have
things start to look cluttered.

I do have a drawer that I keep my linens and doilies and table coverings in.
I have a few that I use in the fall and winter months;
And some that are for spring and summer!

I have some things that I have found at thrift stores and antique shops.
I also have some that belonged to my grandmother and mother.

I always try to wash these linens and doilies on a gentle cycle and line dry them!

Every now and again, I will go through these and give a few away!
My sister has always wrapped a gift for me in a nice linen or lace.
And she adds a pretty ribbon and it makes a lovely way to wrap up a gift!

I also try not to make things too frilly or girly as my husband
enjoys more natural colors. He has a great taste in color and design.
Seriously, he has great taste!
I think it is important to ask their opinion on what they like.
But if he says whatever you like dear, then go for it!

I little bit of both and in different rooms you can do a bit different in each!
A little paint and a new throw rug can jazz up any space!

~This is the perfect time of the year to keep an eye out for a few pretty treasures~


  1. Roxy, I love them as well. When I go to estate sales it's one of the first things I head to. I can't help but think of the hands that spent time creating such lovelies! Wanted to wish you a Happy Mothers Day!!

  2. A lovely post. I, too, like doilies and bits of lace here and there. I try to not make it too overwhelming for others though. Just a touch. I make doilies and like to gift them to others that I know like them too. I am blessed with a husband who like me to do pretty much whatever I wish in the house.

  3. Such a sweet blog! I, too, love linens and lace. They remind me of my dear mother and grandmothers. I was blessed to be given a table cloth crocheted in fine, white crochet thread, and also a 'crocheted dresser scarf' from one grandmother. The other grandmother gave me crocheted doilies and linen dresser scarves with embroidery and fine, crocheted edging. Mother taught me to crochet rugs out of fabric strips and I now crochet scarves combining wool, alpaca and mohair yarns. Whenever I go to an antique shop, the linens and crochet are the first things I look for! Once at an auction, I outbid everyone else for a box of handmade, European lace doilies. I was so thrilled because they are lovely. I like to look at old lace and embroidered linens and imagine the women who worked so hard to create such things of beauty. Thank you again for such an enjoyable blog and God bless you, Bev

  4. My dearest Roxy,
    thank you for your heartwarming post, smelling of home and of ancient, beloved things, I'm always so delighted by visiting you here, you always put a smile on my face and fill my heart with joy !

    Hope that my little package has arrived - and has arrived safe - I wish you a most lovely Lord's Day ever and a wonderful new week ahead, sending blessings of joy to you

    With thankfulness


  5. I have a lot of linen, lace and vintage embroidery too. It's seem most quilters do. I think we are just like most athletes or musicians etc.
    Each group have several thing in common while individually having their own style and able to relate to each other.
    Quilters,sewers or stitcher... whatever we are called are not usually competitive however, most are very willing to share methods and patterns. I like our little niche best.

  6. I'm with you, Roxy.... vintage linens and lace add so much to a home! For me, it adds character, and a bit of romance to any room in this old cottage that we call home. Your post today warmed my heart.
    I hope you had a happy Mother's Day, sweet friend!
    Love to you.

  7. Our decoration philosophies are the same dear Roxy! Thank you for sharing with us :)


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