Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why We Must Guard Our Husbands Reputation...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Guard Your Husbands Reputation...

"The Heart of her husband safely trusts in her,
And he will have no lack of gain."

Why guarding our husband's reputation is a powerful way to help our husbands to trust in us!
So many men are run down by their wives in their words and actions!
When we do these things it gives others an open door to think less of him.
I have even seen it when a Mother talks in a demoralizing way about their father,
and just laugh as it is a big joke.

A reputation can be smeared in an off colored joke or an action
that shows we do not respect or honor them.

We must be very careful to speak only of their better qualities;
to our parents and friend and mostly the children.

We are not to compare our husbands qualities to other men!

Praising our husband's strengths is a gift we can give our husbands!

We also must not be a source of embarrassment to our husbands.
Crude talk or joking
Our manner of dressing
The way we manage our finances
Being where we are suppose to be
(He knows where you are)

We are called to be a treasure to our own husband's!

Can Your Husband safely trust in you?


  1. Dearest Roxy, your post was beautifully written and ever so encouraging. Thank you for the gentle reminder to guard our husbands.

    Love, hugs, and blessings to you!


  2. Roxy, this is so true. I have seen women embarrass their husbands in front of a large group of people. And while sometimes, the suggestion the wife makes is valid, it is much more appropriate to speak to your husband in private, rather than air it in front of others.

    Jocelyn @ http://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com/

  3. Hi Roxy, Good thought provoking post. It's those little foxes that can eat at a marriage too. Angela

  4. I am sure you live what you write, Roxy. You are a special woman and I am sure your hubby is proud to call you his wife. Blessings- xo Diana

  5. Hi Roxy, very wise post. If we can't speak highly of them, they could seek it elsewhere. Great reminder to treasure them as the gift they are.
    God bless

  6. I totally agree, Roxy! We wouldn't like it if our husband's talked negatively about us. It's always best to speak of your spouse with honor and respect. Thank you for sharing your heart. Love & hugs, my friend!

  7. How very true! We need to always protect his honour. Thank you for your post!

  8. Evening Roxy~Morning Joy visiting & reading your lovely post~a Blessed reminder & i am most grateful. May God Bless with surprises of Joy & Peace. Much love in Christ fellowship, Ana :)

  9. Amen, amen and AMEN! Even though I'm now a widow, I still guard Dave's reputation. He was a blessing and gift to me and, as C. S. Lewis said when Joy, his wife died, "Her absence is the sky and it covers everything". That's how I feel about Dave.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!