Monday, June 20, 2016

Not Showing Honor To Your Parents Or The Elderly...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Why Do We Allow Our Parents To Suffer Depression
And slowly dying Of A Lonely Broken Hearts?

I have seen and heard so many lovely ladies who have been just
Forgotten and left alone.
As our grown children have their own children and lives and jobs.
I do understand how busy and demanding life can be.

With no thoughts about their day after day of being alone...
No phone calls, or taking them out for a drive!
Or even going over for a short visit!

Some of these elderly people have lost their spouse of 40 to 60 years of marriage.

A lovely elderly lady called me and she told me how hard and difficult
 it was to even get out of bed just knowing that there was no one to even talk!

She said she has no purpose any longer;
She feels she does not fit anywhere anymore.

Oh dear ones do not think that this could never happen to you!

Our son works for an assisted living facility and he has told me many times;

"Mother, so many of these elderly folks have hardly any family to come and visit them"

It is a shame we are so busy we no longer have or make time for the aged!

Women work outside the home so much now days;
So we have complete strangers raising our children.
We no longer have an older generation to inspire and teach the older ones!

We are all so absorbed with our own stuff;
I can promise you this, we will all find ourselves old and wrinkled
And not able to drive or take great care of ourselves.

(Just think about this little reminder, is it getting harder to get up off the floor)

Well, that's where it starts...

Oh, and the next time you tell your aged parent or relative or friend this;
(Well, you already told us that)
Beware; we are told to be a quick listener, they may add a new tidbit you missed last time!
Oh, and rolling your eyes and talking behind their backs is not showing respect!

We show no respect for the elderly and we treat the aged like old fashion styles.
We are really telling them YOU now no longer have any use!
They're not stupid!
(This what they are hearing)

They don't even call you that often anymore because they have
learned the lesson that you are just sooooo busy!

Geesh, we all should be ashamed of ourselves!

I am so saddened to think we think doing all this other stuff is our ministry!

When you do not show honor to those who have done the best they could;
And now are unable to do much at all.

God, Help me to be aware of those around me to notice them,
And to write a note to them. To stop over and say hello!
Offer to help with something.
(Just give them a phone call)
Many of them are not technically savvy, and they have some hearing loss!

Yup, there old fashion and may repeat themselves;
But mark my words you will too!

This alone is a sure sign we have grown cold
(The hearts of many will grow cold)

Make an effort it can make a difference!


  1. What a good exhortation, Roxy. It is incredibly say to witness the neglect of our elderly. May the Lord help us to be faithful to follow Him in whatever He calls us to in regard to our aging loved ones. A good question to ask is, "how would I like to be treated?"....what will our answer be? Hugs, Camille

  2. True words, Roxy. My husband has a heart for the aged. I have a great respect for his dedication to them. I lost a friend (an elderly gentleman) that I visited, took to the doctor, took to dinner, etc. just last year. His family was too busy to bother with him. I miss John very much...but was so blessed to have him in my life. Both of my grandparents are with Jesus. They were my two favorite people to be grandma was just like the woman in Proverbs 31:10-31. I pray to be just like her!! Grandpa was such a kind-heart soul...much like my husband. We all have so much we could learn from the elderly. If we would just give them our time.
    I love this post, dear friend. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, and convictions.
    In Christ.

  3. Even tho I work I find the time to call my Mom twice a day and to visit at least 2 or 3 times per week. I take food to her twice a week and enough to last a few days. It can be done and I have long hours at work. I love my Mom and she continues to be a light to me. I just do not see how anyone could neglect their Moms. Your post was well written is so right.

  4. This is so true, Roxy! Much is to be gleaned from the elderly. One of my dearest friends is in her 80s and I could sit and listen to her talk about the 'old days' all day long! And the WISDOM she has from her many years of walking with the Lord is amazing!!! Thank you for this gentle reminder to treat others with respect and kindness, as we want to be treated. {{hugs}}

  5. Hi Roxy, such a special post. I have always loved the elderly and I remember my mother saying that when you see an aging women or man, remember to be kind and respectful as they are most likely someone's mother and dad. They had or have a full life, worked hard, raised a family and more. These sweet and gentle old folks need our love and respect and patience. We are all going to get old if "Lord willing" we are gifted with old age.
    Happy Summer and be blessed. xo


  6. I have always had a heart for the elderly and visit a man 101 years old every Monday. His family all lives in Europe except for some family in Colorado that comes maybe every 4 years.The Italy daughter comes 4 times a year and the Germany son once a year to visit him, however this year they are skipping I was told.
    He lives in a very nice assisted living apartments. There is a little lady who I never see anyone visit and I always talk with her. Her husband was the president of a college and she has one daughter,that I have never seen.
    My life fear is living like this when i am elderly

  7. What a loving post, Roxy, for yes, one day we will all be there ourselves. Do unto others is so appropriate for the elderly. Even though I live so far away from my dear mom, I try to call her twice a day. This next week, I'll be flying to Ohio to be with her on her 87th birthday. We must honor and respect those who brought us into the world.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!