Sunday, June 26, 2016

What is Being Seen From Your Reflection...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sometimes we see in a mirror dimly...
Other times we can see so clearly!

What do you want to be doing with your life and days and seasons?

I really enjoy just doing the simple things!

I find that they are not so complex and filled with the unknown,
Yeah, all you have to do is take just one wrong turn off;
And believe me, it can really show just how adventurous you are!
Following directions closely and reading them properly is so important!

~I prefer the way of right doing and thinking and being~

It seems that the road well traveled may seem safer, but then you have 
to contend with all sorts of thoughts and ideas and agendas.

May I suggest you look for the ancient path!

Look, if you have a husband
You must love him well!!
(If you do not, there is someone who will)

If you have children guide and protect them!
(Something is wanting to destroy them)

If you have a home, take great care of it!
(A home can be torn down with your very hands)

If you have food, make a feast every day!
(A bowl of soup can truly taste like a meal fit for a King)

If you have a tongue use it to give encouragement and truth!
(The world is bombarding our ears with filth)

If you have been given life, live it with joy and God's divine plan!
(So many have forfeited true biblical living)

I want to see a reflection of all that is good!
( Someone is always watching YOU)

What is your reflection and image of?

My audience is small
My arena is my home
My heart feels deeply
My days are numbered
My life belongs to Him...

You are not alone!
Try to be content with the portion He has allotted to you!
Ask the Lord to help you to not be deceived!
Even if it comes as an angel of light...


  1. Beautiful, my friend. Thank you for sharing your heart on this matter and encouraging us to do right.

    How are you, dear Roxy? I hope you are staying cool. We were "enjoying" temps in the upper 90's, but it has dropped to the upper 80's which is a huge improvement!

    This month has been a whirlwind of activities, but we are well. The little one is playing basball right now and he LOVES it :) We have practice twice a week and one game a week. Praise the Lord these times did not fall on a Sunday or Wednesday {{smiles}}

    Know that you are in my thoughts often! Now I must great ready for our church service. Love and hugs!

  2. God has surely gifted you with a way with words to make a person to stop and think about their spiritual life. This is to be whether to give heartfelt praise for blessing we haven't taken the time to see or confession of letting the habits of our old self sneak into our relationship with Christ. Each circumstance being different for every reader.
    Thank you for being a willing vessel.

  3. Hey Roxy,
    I'm sure your home is one of the most precious places to find encouragement and sustenance for living a life worthy to be called a child of God! Have a blessed week :-)

  4. Thank you for your encouragement today! It is good to be focused on the simple things that the Lord has given us. May we be faithful with what we have and also content.

  5. 'Being content with the portion He has alloted to you"
    That is where the Lord has been speaking to my heart these past few months. Being content in the season He has me in and looking for opportunities to glorify him during this season. Wonderful post Roxy


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!