Thursday, September 29, 2016

Go Dog Go...

Go Dog Go Book, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Go Dog Go~

This little book is one of my all time favorites!
Actually, this copy was given to me many years ago from my daughter
On Christmas Day 2004
As my original copy was tattered and falling apart!

There are so many little things I love about this book;
Firstly, there is contrast
Big Dog
Little Dog

Black and White Dogs

There is the question, do you LIKE my _______
(Fill in the blank)

Some are going IN
Some are going OUT

Some go ROUND and ROUND
Some go UP
Some go DOWN

Some are OVER
Some our UNDER

There is DAY
And there is NIGHT


Go Dog Go

Well the idea is this for me;
At different times of the day or my life I have done all of these things!

Where do I go from here we may ask at times;
Well, actually we must hold steady.
And keep going, and going...

This morning I was wondering why it seems some people choose not to like us?
Why do we not fit in with this class or this program or church?
Why do some people shun us and leave us on the sidelines?
Why does are usefulness stop being used?

Do we just have to settle for the (everybody is doing it)
Is your standard looked upon as too high? 

Or maybe as your way of doing things are just old fashion!

I can see that this next generation has learned to ignore most
Of the old traditions. And live their days with "Whatever"

But if you want to believe an Old Dog can't learn new tricks;
Well, I choose to believe I can do whatever the Lord has for me!

Because I know the end of the story!

It is a great BIG DOG PARTY...

And finally the LADY dog ask's The MAN dog
The same question again,


 I DO,
He says, What A Hat!
I like it!
I Like that PARTY HAT

Never give UP...


  1. So cute!! Thanks so much for stopping by! I now have 2 posts up on my Autumn Tree if you are interested!!

  2. Hi Roxy, Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog posts. I'm not sure why your sidebar disappeared, but its seems blogger makes changes that affect our blogs. I know since Google+ I am not able to respond to your comments. It says no reply comment. I'm not sure If I was listed, but I'd love to be on your side bar.

    Blessings, Jocelyn

  3. So many good thoughts today. I have felt very unuseful many times over the past few years. I do know God still has things in His plan for me though. And yes, I would like to be on your blog list.



  4. That book was always one of the favorites of both my younger siblings and our own kids. That Dog Party is the best! And the bed picture-so funny. Also good- Are You My Mother? I think that is PD Eastman's work too.

  5. Cute book, great post. All of your yummy things you are making sounds delicious!

  6. Congratulations on the new baby!! How wonderful! My whole blog list disappeared too. Going to be some work to put that back together again!
    Good for you all to do all that canning! My kitchen is totally torn apart for a reno, so no cooking here for quite a while.
    Love the end of that book, with a big dog party!
    xo Deborah

  7. I love this book! So fun that you do also. There are so many things to learn with these simple books. The world has changed, and it is a deep prayer of mine that there will still be those who will treasure those solid "old fashioned" values and Biblical truths. Keep going...I am so encouraged by you!

    I love that you are putting so much food by for your home and family! What a wonderful role you take!

    I'd also love to be on your blog list if that's ok.

  8. Love and enjoyed this post!
    I've pondered the same questions...

    Congratulations on your sweet grand baby, #9!

    I don't know if I was on your blog list before but I'd love to send you my information:

  9. Oh dear Roxy I am Praying for e blog problems to straighten out.

  10. I'm not sure if I was on your sidebar, but I would truly be honored to be added. I think you are a wonderful Titus 2 writer.

    Have a pleasant weekend, and we need to pray for this upcoming generation. I shudder to think what it will be like for their children.

    God bless!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  11. Hello dear Roxy! Always such a joy to visit with you, and hear what is happening in your world! I too own two pairs of boots - one for the muck, and one for town, lol! I agree - having a good pair of boots is an absolute must if you do any work outside at all. Your boots are very purty!

    Congratulations on grandbaby #9! So exciting!

    I've been busy in the kitchen too, always so much to do. I'll be putting up my carrots and pumpkin soon, and have been working away at tomatoes and jellies. Feels great to put away food for the winter!

    Hugs to you today :)

    PS: I would be honored to have my blog added to your bloglist roll. My blog address is

  12. My blog list disappeared, too!! I am so glad I am not the only one....ahhhh....I feel so much better. :) Hugs to you! Camille


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!