Sunday, September 25, 2016

Ugly Duckling Or Sparkling Swan...

Swans, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The feeling of not being pretty enough...
Not being enough in so many areas of our lives can leave us void.

This world is always screaming more and saying you are not enough;
And it will tell us we are not doing enough...

Our plumb-line of where we are positioned has taken on a whole new dimension.

I have found that this ugly duck lie is just that, a big fat lie...
When we are young we always see all the pictures of the beautiful and lovely.
And we start to believe the lie.

And I can tell you this, that after all these many years I have come to see;
That the truth is this; every woman is beautiful in her own way!

We can all have a sparkle in our eye and a sparkle in our hearts!
You can even buy a sparkly shirt (smile)

I do want to add this one thought, being pretty and sparkly;
Truly comes from the heart and we can do what we can look
Clean and neat and kind!

There truly is no reason to feel like an ugly duckling,
Because we are all beautiful in His eyes!

"Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful


  1. Lovely thoughts Roxy...thank you. Hugs, Camille

  2. Aw what a very sweet post, Roxy. Thanks for the reminder to keep our sparkle in a very much more real and worthwhile way ~ it was inspiring to me! I am having a bit of an ugly duckling day today! But your post was most encouraging :)

  3. I love how the Lord Jesus has created all woman to be beautiful in their own ways. I love to look at people, to watch their faces, to see their movements, to catch those glitters in their eyes. This thing that the Lord has given to us is a sweet treasure that the world will never be content with. We need to forget the trappings of this world and be content in who we have been created to be.
    I love your part on how it truly comes from the heart.

  4. Hello dear Roxy....the summer kept me away from blogging and being indoors. The cooler weather brings me back inside and to the computer once again. I love your post, sweet friend. You always speak from your heart, and it ministers to my soul. You are a beauty..inside and out!!
    Have a lovely afternoon.
    Love to you.

  5. Blessings to you Roxy-such truth to be shared. I was just studying the New Earth and all that means-new resurrected bodies-oh won't that be so wonderful. More importantly though, to walk with our Lord each day, to see the world as He originally planned it. I'll be happy-no more fussing over the worries of getting older.
    Thank you dear one for always sharing the Truth and your heart with us.

  6. Beautiful post Roxy, just like you in all ways. Thank you for sharing and always touching hearts.
    Hugs and Blessings, xo

  7. Love it Roxy, and you ARE beautiful!


  8. Your beautiful and sparkly! It is a welcome relief to realize that God looks at us from reading our hearts. That is where the true beauty is.

  9. Even on what we feel are our ugliest days, we can still let the Light of Jesus shine in us to bring forth the beauty inside. I think we all have those kind of days from time to time. Great post, Roxy!

  10. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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