Tuesday, May 16, 2017

An Estate Sale Treasure Painting Of Lovely Roses...

A Rose Vintage Painting, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A few weeks back a friend and I stopped at an Estate sale.
It was picked over, as by the time we got there the good finds
were picked over and mostly all the things worth any value.

But in a back shed on the property hung this old vintage
picture painted of beautiful Roses.
The frame alone was amazing!

As I walked back to the backyard of this property;
I started talking to the lady working there.
I asked her what the painting might cost, as it had a sticker
On it, but no price!

Finally, after I had found a few more items I asked her again
 And she had gone back to that building and had brought it out to the table.
She told me it cost 50 bucks!
And I told her I couldn't pay that!
So she looked around and said
"What would you give me for it"
I said 38 dollars!

She said it's yours!!

I have had a few very nice paintings over my mantel in my living room.
But this one just belonged in my home...

When we hung it up and I stepped back,
I thanked the Lord for His sweet gift of this treasure.

On The Home Front Around Here...

Had to get a new riding lawn mower!
Had to get a new swimming pool!
Had to get the greenhouse cleaned out!
Had to get everything for the swamp cooler!
Had to buy a new window A/C unit for our bedroom
Had to buy all the plants for the greenhouse!
Had to buy a new pump to pump out water from the old pool!
Had to buy new hoses!
The Dog needed all his shots!
Also been working on an old doll house I bought;
It is completely painted and had to order some miniature furniture!

This has been a very expensive spring...

Have you had those times when everything comes all at once?

I am so tired and have had to work harder than I have had to in a while!

But I leave you with this thought!

Everything that comes our way;
We need to decide to enjoy and take pleasure in the tasks!
Everything takes work!!!


  1. The painting is gorgeous and I know you treasure it. This has been a very hard year for us but this month has been better. Everything does seem to happen at once! Hugs!

  2. I find that things tend to come in groupings, but wow! That is a lot of needs!

    The painting is beautiful! Glad you were able to get it!

  3. What a beautiful painting and it looks so nice hanging over your lovely mantel. Yes, things do tend to happen in clusters around here, too. Spring is a busy time.....God bless xo Karen

  4. That is a beautiful painting and looks perfect over your mantel. It's been a very expensive spring here too. The additional medical bills have certainly not helped at all.

  5. That painting is a gorgeous find and something I wouldn't have passed up either! :) Happy Wednesday to you!

  6. The painting is gorgeous Roxy!!!!!
    Oh and yes on expensive things all at once. I have had a run on things like that as well this spring. Hoping to catch up this summer on saving.Yikes!

  7. The rose painting is a perfect backdrop!
    ( you just HAD to get it- lol ).

  8. Oh my Roxy, I would have fought you over that painting! Just kidding....but WOW! It is just so beautiful and it does look absolutely perfect on your mantle. Now that everything is fixed, hopefully you will be able to sit back and enjoy the spring. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. What a gorgeous painting, Roxy. You could not have purchased the frame alone for that...so that was a good buy.
    We have had months like that, too, where everything comes at once it seems. Hope you have a great rest of the week. xoDiana

  10. The painting is beautiful. I love old fashioned roses. I guess because my MIL was a china painter, and she painted many old roses. Enjoy your new treasure.

  11. What a beautiful painting and you got a good deal too. Thanks for sharing it.

  12. Wow....that is a lot of money going out for this spring. Hoping that is all you have to deal with now. Great painting.

  13. I hear you about the expenses! I can't wait to see your dollhouse completed. My mother and grandfather built one together. She thought it would be a great project to get him back working after a mild stroke. She even bought a miniature lathe and turned the spindles for the porch and made all the furniture. Happy Spring my friend, XOXO

  14. HI Roxy! I love the story behind your gorgeous framed roses picture! It is wonderful when the Lord provides those special pieces for our homes.
    I'm sorry that so many things needed attention at your place this spring. I'm sure you are thankful that you can rest that they've been taken care of now though.
    For us many things have come at once this past couple weeks. The Lord is good and everything is working out, but at times it seems very overwhelming. Truck broke down, septic stopped working, doing laundry in town, showers at the community centre, getting the garden in, bringing plants in and out so they don't freeze at night, daughter's grad photo shoot, and more. I have to smile, in it all, it brings us running back to the Lord who comforts and provides for it all.
    Praying that you have a lovely day!


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