Saturday, June 24, 2017

Life Is Precious...

A Bird Nest With Eggs In It, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

 Life is Precious...

My sweet Hubby was doing some trimming on one of our many
trees and he found this nest with two eggs in it!
I said wait stay up there I want to get my camera!

The Momma bird was making a huge fuss;
Get away from my babies, she was tweeting!

I just wanted to share a few quick thoughts here with you ladies;

I am so happy that all nine of my grandchildren will be here
on our Estate this coming week.
It will be the first time in a whole long three years!

My dear friend kelly is still fighting to hold on to life!
The brain tumor is trying to steal her life!
She is a fighter and she totally trusts Jesus!!

Went to a funeral today and had a reality check...
Life is so very precious!

Have you all notice how fast Sunday comes around again each week?
Not sure why the days and weeks just seem to fly by...

Be careful where you invest your time!
Be careful who put first!
Be watchful!!

We are having a Stayvacation this summer!

Last year we went to the West Coast!
It was lovely and very refreshing...

The Pacific Coast, Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

Please may I remind you all to stay humble
Stay strong...
Keep focused on the prize!
Never give up!
Rest only In Christ...

May our goals have eternal implications;
Heavenly minded...

May Christ be formed in you!
Respect your Husband!
Love the brethren...

"For LOVE covers a multitude of sin"


  1. Father God, please help us all to grasp the preciousness of life and of those you've given us to love.

    God, I ask you to cocoon Kelly in your loving Holy Spirit until it's time for her homecoming. God strengthen her family and help them to do all that you wish them to do and to settle all that should be settled. Be glorified in the homecoming of your saint. I ask it all in Jesus' Name. Now, I will admit, I would be blessed to hear of her amazing, miraculous healing! I leave it in your most loving hands, Amen.

  2. Prayers for your friend, Kelly. May her faith in Jesus Christ be her strength.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  3. Sweet words of truth; for saints and sinners alike. Embrace those grandkids and hold tight to what is precious here which reflects His love.

  4. Beautiful reminders.
    God bless you

  5. Life is so precious, and looking at that nest, what a joy it is to be reminded of how beautiful and fragile life is.
    Thank you for again the reminder to spend time in eternal things. To invest our time wisely. Praying that the Lord blesses you with your family and your stay vacation.

  6. Wise words today. Life is so very short and precious. I've been praying for your friend Kelly and will continue to do so. I pray that she feels God's loving arms around her. I hope you have a wonderful week my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  7. Hello Roxy, yes life is way too short and we have to enjoy it as much as possible. I will pray for your friend Kelly to get better. I love the photo with the nest and eggs!! I hope you enjoy spending time with your grandchildren.
    Take care and hope you have a nice week and weekend.
    Julie xo

  8. Every moment is precious dear Roxy a gift from our LORD God an dLovign Father, to use it wisely for Him and. his glory an dso agree with your post mat we moment by moment shine brightly for HIM...with a a thankful heart.
    LORD bless your stayvacation. I do it a lot, don't get away much family commitments. God knows best.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us your blessings from Gods precious word!
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. Meant to say too special prayers for Kelly...
    May our sweet the LORD fill Kelly's heart, mind and very being with the peace that passeth all understanding and strengthen her in the inner man though the Spirit of grace.
    May her heart be fixed on the prize, as was Paul, eyes on the eternal hope ... strengthened against all the buffeting from her human frailities and her circumstances.
    In Jesus sweet name. Amen

  10. Dear Roxy, What a wonderful post! Lifting up Kelly right now-may His grace cover her and her loved ones during this time. Life is so short and thus so precious. Love the verses too; something we need to continually focus on Him.
    With love.

  11. Dearest Roxy....sometimes your thoughts seem to be in line with what is in my heart. I have been living life to the fullest in the past few weeks....not that I haven't realized how precious life is(having survived a brain tumor, and uterine cancer, and a perforated bowel)but I have this need to really appreciate each new day more than ever before. Maybe it's an age thing?? Life is rushing by faster and faster. I see my children and grandchildren growing so quickly....I can't keep up. Life is so fleeting, I purposely try to SEE every little thing around me with all the detail that God puts into His creation. The flowers in the gardens seem so much more vibrant this year. I take more time to just sit and enjoy the beauty around me, instead of walking around the gardens, then moving on to something else. I take more time when I kayak to enjoy the trip, instead of just trying to get the paddling in. That seems to be the key....slowing down and enjoying my life, instead of rushing through the days. When I relax, I can be in His presence and thank Him for all the blessing around me.
    I just love you, Roxy. You always lift me up.

  12. Roxy, your words today gave me so much encouragement. Thank you ⚘⚘


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!