Thursday, June 29, 2017




We are all a work in progress!

Just going to share some one liners here in this post!
I have always loved words and their meanings!

I think I could write a book of just one liners...

I do enjoy journaling and I always use the last few pages of each 
Journal for one liners that jump out at me from a book or devotional!
Even movies and songs!
Maybe even something I read from a blog!
Many our from a message I heard in the past.

God's timing is always right-
So wait patiently for Him

Beware- the more you look at temptation the better it looks.

The storms of your life will reveal the strength and
source of your faith!

God gives to you so that you may give to others!

In life and in death, My only hope is in
"Jesus Christ"

Repentance means hating sin enough to turn from it.

The soul would have no rainbows-
If the eyes had no tears.

The best reason for Hope is God's faithfulness!

No tragedy is outside of God's sovereignty...

Only the one who has learned to serve is qualified to lead!

A spark of encouragement can rekindle warmth in the heart.

If you shirk today's tasks,
You will increase tomorrow's burdens.

You can gain knowledge on your own.
But wisdom comes from God!

We can accomplish more together than we can alone.

Marriages may be made in heaven;
But they have to be worked out on earth.

The cost of obedience is nothing;
Compared with the cost of disobedience!

A big part of loving is listening!

The world rewards success
God rewards faithfulness!

There are no obstacles, only challenges

It's risky to go out on a limb-
But that's where the fruit is.

Brooding over the past paralyzes the present,
And bankrupts the future.

My dear friend Kelly passed away!
She is now healed!
I miss her already...

Thank you for your prayers for her and her family!

I appreciate each and everyone of you that stop in and read my humble writings!

Living From Glory To Glory
~Love Roxy~


  1. Father God, I pray for provision and healing and recovery for Kelly's family. I rejoice in her salvation in Jesus' Name.

    Several spoke to me including this one, "The storms of your life will reveal the strength and source of your faith!"

    God the Father, Jesus the Son our Savior, and Holy Spirit our teacher and comforter will carry us through!

    Be blessed,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  2. Lovely little thoughts! Thank you for sharing!

    I am sorry about the loss of your friend!


  3. All good and true one liners, Roxy.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Praying for you Roxy. It is hard to lose someone we love. I lost a teacher friend right as I was retiring the same age as me. It was so hard because she was so vibrant and honestly the healthiest person I know. She had a brain tumor and went fast. I think of her often. Your friend is indeed healed.

  5. Wonderful one liners Roxy. I'm so sorry to hear of Kelly's passing. I know how had this is for you, but praise the Lord, she is healed with no more pain. I'll continue to pray for all of you.

  6. Roxy, I so enjoyed your letter today.⚘⚘

  7. I especially like this one "If you shirk today's tasks,
    You will increase tomorrow's burdens."
    A good reminder to be diligent and not lazy in our daily tasks. If we do what needs to be done today, we won't have a huge mess and be terribly behind tomorrow.
    Hope you are well, Roxy!

  8. Wowie...this list is a keeper! God bless you and He knows you miss your friend. 💟

  9. Prayers for you and Kelley's family...

    We all could use some comforting words or one liners at times. Ones that lift us up or others the make you stop and think.
    Thanks for a great list of them!

  10. I'm sorry about your friend and I know you will miss her. How comforting to know she is healed and now walking with Jesus! Hugs!

  11. Dear Roxy, my heart is with you an her family. May everything bring us back to thinking on the Lord and his great salvation from our sin. What a blessing it is to have sweet memories of time spent with treasured friends. Thank you for all you share!

  12. Bless you Roxy,
    I'm so sorry for your loss. May the love of Jesus comfort you at this time. Thank you for taking the time to write a post even during a hard time. I appreciated your one liners and am sure you are more than capable of writing a very good book. ~ hugs Linda

  13. My heart if with you and Kelly's family. This is a beautiful post to her, XOXO


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!