Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What Will Your Hands Be Remembered For...


Loving Hands, Living from glory to glory blog...

What will your hands be remembered for?

What do you have in your hands?

If I would just stop and take a moment to look down at my hands
Throughout my day, I would have a better account for my time.

My hands may appear to be idle if I have them folded in prayer;
But, that is one of the greatest purpose of our hands.

Some days my hands are dried out from washing so many dishes;
But, I give thanks for the people to cook for and the foods we eat!

My hands have colored with a little child and no worries
about staying within the lines.

I have massaged many achy backs and tension headaches.
The power of touch is healing in itself!

How many times have you poured something to refresh a loved one!
My cup overflows...

How many words were penned with your hands,
Letters of encouragement are needed.

I wear a wedding ring that reminds of a promise
To love and to cherish...

Holding another persons hand that needs assurance and support!
By holding a drowning person's hand, you will save a life...
Theirs and Yours

Hands to steady a beginners first step, to helping balancing
And elderly one from falling...

May your heart be full with what you hold in your hand...

I leave you all with this thought;
~Be Kind~
 For Everyone Is Fighting A Hard Battle...

As Always, I thank you for visiting this Blog
May it inspire and challenge all of us, if only just a little bit!

Living From glory To Glory

Monday, November 20, 2017

Sunny Disposition...

Sunny Disposition, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


~Hello Sunshine~

I have noticed that many people really respond to a sunny disposition!

When you feed the sweet spot of being a happy person,
Being happy is not always a natural disposition.

I try daily to make a choice to have a good disposition;

I wanted to share a thought I had today about just putting on a fake smile
Or an attitude that is just plain put on.

Are you just pretending to be happy or loving?

May, I suggest that you might review your words and heart attitude;
Because I think we need to know we are being true to real gratitude!

I remember the movie called Angry Birds
Not really sure what it was all about;
But I know that I am seeking to overcome the doom and gloom
That prevails our culture

Where is your sweet spot?

Being present in each season or day and make the decision to
choose a sunny disposition.

I do not want to be in a position that I have many regrets;
Of missing all that truly matters.

I send out this letter to all that desire to be filled with hope and grace!

Everything does not have to be perfect!
But your heart and disposition must put off the fragrance of love!

Being challenged in times of business or stress or sickness;
Does not need to rule the resolve to be Sunny in all situations!

Not by power, or might, but by my Spirit
Thus sayeth the scripture...

~Christ being formed in me~

Humbly, growing in grace and endurance and love...

Living From Glory To Glory


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Feast Or Famine And Autumn Has Come Again...

Feast Or Famine, Living  from Glory To Glory Blog...


~Falling for Fall~

There is just something so inviting about seasonal wreaths!

Decorating for each season is a very easy way to keep your home
Interesting and homey.

I found some beautiful, rich burgundy and gold swirl placemats to use
for my dinner table. I love to use tablecloths and placemats in my kitchen.
And if you use a formal dining area, it is just so beautiful.

The leaves are changing and falling off!
But they do not seem to be the least worried over the change.

When all your children have grown up and have left home,
To start their own families it is what we hoped they would of achieved.

So when you have those special times when the whole family comes together;
It is always what we call a full house ...

We have full beds and makeshift beds on the floor.
We have large quantities of food and goodies.

We are either feast or famine!

Learning to adapt and to overcome all changes is so important!
I know longer spend my time micro managing others...

I have seen over the years we are in these two modes
The Famine is the most common;
Everyone is busy working or unavailable.
They days of families getting together for a family meal often is
not so common any more.
The nucleus family dynamics have changed!
You may even feel lonely, as you miss the family closeness.

The Feast mode comes during holidays
Seasonal get together's
Times of transitions

There are so many things you can do to enjoy each mode;
Set your heart and mind first of all!
Choose to enjoy each mode!

Enjoy the famine time to rest and to enjoy quiet things

Enjoy the feast mode, with all the business and laughter and messes!

But always allow for yourself and your spouse a bit of space!
We need that, but I can say when everyone leaves:
The house is way too quiet!

As Always...
Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Keeping A Watchful Eye, Or Shall I Say Eyes...

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Now is the time to make sure you have your eyes in your head,
And looking in the right direction...

You remember the saying:
"I have eyes in the back of my head"

Well, you better be using them!

Things are ramping up...
The North wind will be blowing!

But we must keep our eyes on the SON

One thing you can be sure of in the days of Apostasy;
They will become more and more apparent!

As a Mother and Grandmother, I take my role to heart!

Making sure I pray for their safety and for them to walk away
From lies and deceptions...

But this world is filled with smoke and mirrors;
We are not seeing what is really there anymore.

It just teaches me, to be watchful!!

Be aware of your surroundings..
Evil purposes lurk in the very places we might have felt safe.

Keep Your Heart With All Diligence

Pray for all your loved ones to be in the TRUTH...

Error and Deception are trying to lead many astray...

One Prayer I have earnestly taken to heart is this...

Lord, Please open my eyes to any lies or deception or false doctrine
That I may be believing or trusting in!

The Great I Am will answer a prayer like that one!

Just sending out a bit of WARNING here Dear Ones

As Always,

Living From Glory To Glory
~By His Grace~