Saturday, January 20, 2018

Do You Make Time For Your Husband...

Make time for your Husband, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Making Time For Your Husband...

Making time for the things that matter!

We are all going to be in a place of accounting for our days and time!!

If I could say just one last thing on this Blog;
What would it be?

I do hope my posts have always led you to ponder the Great I Am...

But, I think I might have to choose how we treat our Husbands!
So Many times we get so busy as Mothers and Grandmothers,
We may forget our Husbands Needs and Wants...

If we would only just ask him, Hey Honey, can I get you anything?
Or can I do anything for you today?
Or to just notice how he is feeling or doing!

It's all about the ME
We make jokes at their expense, we may even ignore them at times.
Our needs and wants are front and center!
I don't feel in the mood!
I am tired
I am ...

No you're not "I Am"

Look, I want you to know that laying down your wants and needs are not easy.

When we serve him it is like giving a cold drink in the Fathers name!

I want to remind you that we must wash the feet of those in our own lives first!

Being at every prayer meeting and lunch social is fun;
But at what expense?

Women work hard and wear many hats;
But you are the only one who should meet his needs!!

Sometimes I will sit in the same room just being near him;
But I still sew or crochet, or read or write about something.

I do many things just for myself!!
Taking care of myself assures me that I will be happy and whole to be able
to love and meet my dear Husbands needs!

Many women have lost their husbands;
What might their advice be to us?

Let me remind you one day all the children grow up and should leave home!
Why not start now enjoying the time you have together??

I realize some of the marriages out there are not heaven sent!
But if you do what you can and love and laugh and live well, I believe
You will at least in your heart you will hear!
~Well done, good and faithful servant~

Is there a thought you might have about how you try to meet his needs?
We all love good ideas that are simple yet meet the needs.

Reminding myself of this very thing today!!
As always, Grace upon Grace
Thankful for the Goodness of the Lord...
Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Such good words Roxy. In this era of "its all about me", it is easy to give your best away to others and only have scraps left to give to your husband. It is sometimes a difficult balancing act, but most important that we consider it. How many marriages could have been saved with a little more of this kind of heart and understanding. May the Lord bless this message that you continue to share, and may He bless your home, marriage and husband too.. much love to you dear friend!

    1. A beautiful reply to an inspiring post. Thank you, Marilyn & Roxy. My husband is my soulmate and I remind him every day how I love him very much and that he is the love of my life. We will be celebrating our Golden Anniversary this year....and never a day goes by that we don't show, or express our love for each other and give thanks to God for blessing us with such a loving marriage ....and for such a beautiful family and the love they all show towards us, as well. 'Love is a many splendid thing.!!!!

  2. This is a wonderful post. My dear husband has had a horrible virus all of this week and has chosen to isolate himself so to try to keep me from getting it. I miss him! We're still in the same house, but he seems so far away from me. I can't imagine living like this all of the time. He is part of me and vice versa. I do hope that ladies will read this and take it to heart. The days, weeks and years pass in a blur and will all too some take one of us away. I, for one, don't want to miss one minute with my sweetheart.

  3. You always write thought provoking posts. Cancer treatments have made me more self-centered than I want to be. I'm going to try to increase my focus on my husband in spite of the chemo and radiation.
    God bless you friend,

    P.S. This round of chemo is not making me sick. Praise God.
    I've had 4 radiation treatments so far. I'll take them every day M-F
    until March 2.

  4. Hi Roxy. The more I consider this letter, I feel like you've called the team to a huddle and reiterated what it is we are prepared and equipped for. Some examples I can think of are extending grace; giving some personal space; making the bed carefully in the morning so it is comfy and welcoming; and letting him know when meals are ready, even if he isn't yet hungry. It is nice to have something prepared and ready for whenever. Also, just because I choose a low cholesterol/low saturated fat diet, it doesn't mean I have to only cook ground turkey or eat my nonfat greek yogurt and berries--I can occasionally prepare ground beef italian meatballs with marinara & provolone on white sub rolls (Ha!) And I can cook bacon on some weekend mornings. Sometimes I have to remind myself to turn away from a task or reading and try to give undivided attention. An attentive demeanor when listening is a sign of caring.
    Thanks for writing! It is a pleasure when your new posts appear.

  5. This is a good post, Roxy. Our lives sometimes run on completely different schedules. Hubby is on call a lot so I never know exactly what to expect from him timewise. Foodwise- he is still on a feeding tube so performs his meals in the little kitchenette downstairs.

    I hope you have a blessed, wonderful Sunday. I will shoot you and e-mail later today- xo xo xo Diana

  6. Thank you Roxy, I needed this today, even though I am now my husbands caregiver much more than I ever was, since he is in poor health. I do those things to help him and be sure his needs are met. Sometimes though I too get tired and and not in "the mood" to do all he needs and feel sorry for myself. I then have to ask God and him for forgiveness. We do as you said need to take care of ourselves so we can do for others. Thanks for reminding us of this.

  7. Thank you for this excellent reminder. We, who are blessed to still have our husbands with us, tend to take that for granted. I have a friend who lost her husband to cancer several years ago, and she is really struggling with being so alone. I tell my hubby every night when we go to bed how thankful I am that he is here with me and that God has blessed us to still have each other. I am so thankful to lay down beside him each night in peace and security and health. God has been very gracious, and I truly am thankful for my hubby...even when we don't always "agree"... :)

  8. Thank you for this reminder. I am coming to realize how vital it is to care for my husband. He appreciates all that I do to run our household, and I've noticed that he is hesitant to ask me to do anything "extra". For example, he occasionally needs to bring a dessert to game night with his buddies. He has always just stopped at a grocery store on his way to buy cookies or something from the bakery section. I thought this was what he preferred to do until one time I offered to bake a treat. He was thrilled! What a silly situation, as I love to bake and I really don't mind this extra task at all. So now I'm making an effort to see if there is anything else I can offer to do to make his life a little easier or more pleasant.

  9. Such a good post. Don't ever take you husbands for granted, time slips by so fast. I am so thankful my husband was the love of my life and best friend. I loved doing the little things for him and making our home a place where he felt cherished. It is so helpful to be able to look back with no regrets, it makes each day a little easier.

  10. A beautiful letter to us. Thank you Roxy.

  11. If we served our husbands and not ourselves, I believe the divorce rate would dwindle. We hear all about women rights, feminism and self serving ideas. THIS is what is needed today more then ever!

  12. Wonderful post! It is so important to make time for this man that you love, that you share life with.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!