Saturday, January 27, 2018

How To Start Making Your Own Necklaces...

How To Make Your Own Necklaces, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Making your own necklaces can be fun and very rewarding!
I am finally posting this post that I have had for a very long time.

But, I have been in the mood to start making necklaces again!
You can make any solid color top or sweater look dressed up;
Simply by adding a colorful necklace!

I have so many of them, and do I really need more

Here is my spot in my craft room that I use to lay out my beads and tools!

Materials Needed For Making Your Own Jewelry, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Have you used or seen these lights, they are amazing?

They make it so easy to see and the colors are true, you can even see in the evenings.

Using a bead board allows you to lay out and design your necklace.
And you are able to make it into the length you desire.
I prefer a longer one myself.
But I like a few to be shorter with just a single pendent!

Here are just a few that I have made!
Hope to have every color of the rainbow...
Make Your Own Necklaces, Living from glory to glory blog...

Because I like turquoise so much, I have made many in that stone!
It is a very rich stone and makes me happy and I think of
My dear hubby's heritage.

Beads, Beads and more Beads
Beads Galore, living from glory to glory blog

When you start buying beads for your necklaces you will be in
Paradise over the colors and the shapes being offered.
Types: metal, stone, glass,wood, pearl.
Shapes: round, ovals, teardrop, nugget, rectangle.

And when Hobby Lobby or your favorite bead store has half off;
You can buy a few extra for the next project!

I like to keep my beads in these little storage boxes;
They keep them neat and organized, and you can see through them.

Buying a nice quality beading wire to use them on is a must!
Being cheap on that note is not a good idea!
Beadalone is a good brand!
And of course a few jewelry tools:
Wire cutters, Crimping tool, round nose pliers,
flat nose pliers, bent chain-nose pliers.
(You can purchase these in a small starter kit)

Using the decorative space beads is a good way to make your
Beads last longer and gives it a little pop.

Most my necklaces will be created around a pendant that I love!
The color the shape and the length.
This is where you get to be artistic and creative.

Making a piece of jewelry is so rewarding!
They also make lovely gifts and pretty keepsakes for yourself.

May I suggest getting yourself a beginner jewelry book;
And look at a few YouTube videos for ideas and how to!

It takes a small investment, but you will love the results.

Some of the beads I use are old ugly necklaces I have run across
From a yard sale or thrift store;
 then I take them apart and re-use the beads
in a new creation!

I keep my eyes opened for a unique pendant;
Then I buy the small seed beads to match and a larger bead,
Adding a small silver, or gold or bronze spacers add dimension.

Necklace Pendents, Living from glory to glory blog...

I am looking forward to making some new necklaces!

I encourage you to look at learning how making your own jewelry!

I think this may be the longest post I have ever written;


  1. What fun, Roxy. You do a beautiful job. I love the turquoise ones, too. That is one 'craft' I have never tried-making jewelry. I love to see the handcrafted pieces and I have a couple that were given to me by friends. They are treasures to me.

    Hope you have a blessed, wonderful Sunday- xo Diana

  2. Beautiful necklaces and thank you for the words of advice. I don’t wear mini hats jewelry myself, usually just a simple chain with a small pendant of some sort. I have friends though that love beading as you do.

  3. These are beautiful, Roxy! I have dabbled in jewelry making a bit myself but haven't made any news one lately...even made earrings to match every necklace. Several years ago when I first got started, I couldn't stop! I really like that bead board too. You have inspired me to get my beads out now! HUGS!

  4. The necklaces are lovely. I always think they are pretty on people, but tend to wear the same ole thing. I need to branch out.

  5. I admire your talents! What is nice about your crafting, is the reward of wearing something really beautiful. And you do that very well.
    I love how organized you are.

  6. They look beautiful, Rox. You know me, I love to make Jewelry, and find I can't resist beads, when ever I see a wonderful assortment. There is delight in their color, shape and texture isn't there? Love putting together various designs.

  7. Dear Roxy,
    I want to come over and play!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  8. I have never made jewelry, like Diana, that is one craft that I have never indulged in. You have piqued my interest! I love the necklaces that you have made, they are gorgeous! I agree that a plain top can really benefit from a pretty necklace. I love the pendants that you have in your collection, some beautiful necklaces to be made indeed! Hugs :)

  9. Its an lovely images of stones of different colours. Keep sharing.

  10. Beautiful jewelry! I have never worn much, but do admire those who can wear it well.
    Your smile is so beautiful and I can see how you light up a room!
    Praying you have a beautiful day!

  11. Looking good.
    Using pendant like this in necklaces is awesome. It can be also use for Fashionable Earrings. That will certainly amplify your beauty.


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