Monday, March 26, 2018

Concept And Reality...

Beauty, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Concept and Reality

Life is filled with this very dilemma;

Let me explain what I mean, when I look at this phrase.
~Concept And Reality~

There is these amazing ideas (I will call the concept)
Then when I go for the gusto, in these concepts,
 this funny thing will happen (I will call the reality)


Lets buy a camper and explore our great state CONCEPT
We almost go off a very steep cliff
 (imagine The movie Cliff Hanger) REALITY

Lets get some lovely fake nails CONCEPT
They look great for a few days, till you realize there a pain,
Then you try to remove them and you ruin your real nails. REALITY

Really I could go on for many more examples;
But I will spare you...

Truly this is a a real thing that happens to us all!

Look, I want beauty and adventure like the next gal;
But I have learned to sometimes hold back and look at each
decision with a bit more depth of cause and effect.

That's why even commercials spend what they spend to draw us in.
I watched this infra commercial last night that had this little
air spray gun for applying your face make-up!
I would have all my flaws covered and I would look 10 years younger!

I kid you not, I wanted it so bad and it was only $19.95.
But, I could only envision spraying it in my eye and looking like 
a zebra in streaked lines all over my face.
and looking like I was having a very bad make-up day

So there you have it;
 I am trying to be better in making decisions and choices!

I could write a book on this very subject.

If I have learned one thing in my life it is this...
There is a huge difference in the way things go in the real world;
My concept
And the real reality...

We laugh and yet we learn that things are not always as they seem!

Learn, and Live and Laugh
Life is to short not to try a few new things,
Just don't be to disappointed when it doesn't work out...

Living from Glory to Glory
And living from concept to reality


  1. I just happened to see that same infomercial last night and I thought, "goodness, now we are spraying painting our faces". I got such a giggle from it and you just made me laugh again! -carol

  2. Oh so true! And then we just have more stuff that takes over our lives.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Truer words were never written. From my younger days, I wish I could get back all the money I spent on hair products. I have naturally curly and frizzy hair AND was a teenager in the seventies.
    Everyday we are bombarded with so much, but I am learning I don't want to have to find a place for it in my home and that I have plenty to wear.
    The makeup thing ---well, we have all been there. I am wearing less and trying to accept the wrinkles.

  4. SO true, like the Pinterest fail pictures. I have made a few of those! Have a wonderful weekend Roxy!

  5. Hi dear Roxy, What a great post-I found myself nodding and smiling-so much truth. Sending you love, hugs and prayers.

  6. That makeup commercial made me want it too. Then I read the reviews that said it was really just a tinted moisturizer.
    I had the same thought as you, how do you spray it without getting it in your eyes? Lol!

  7. Your post is so true! I have also seen that commercial and thought it looked like a great idea, then wondered how I would ever get it on with out having it in my eyes and everywhere else:o)
    We do have to be careful, commercials can pull us into thinking we need that product, how have we lived without it!
    Hugs, Cheryl

  8. Roxy, What a true and real post, Roxy. I smiled my way through it. It is hard to draw the line sometimes on what will "work" and make us "better"--younger and cuter. Hope you have a great pre-Easter week. xo Diana

  9. You hit the nail on the head, Roxy! I know exactly which make-up commercial you are talking about...LOL! May you have a blessed Easter!

  10. Hi Roxy, I have been reading your blog for awhile and want to say that you are a very wise lady. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and bringing a smile to my face. Blessing to you! - Paula

  11. Oh so very true! May we just learn to be content and joyful about the reality part.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!