Monday, March 19, 2018

Listen For The Bird Song In A Season Of Affiction...

Bird Song

I am so happy to be hearing the first spring songs being sung from
some very happy birds within our yard!

I have been so needing some cheer!

If their is one thing,I am so blessed to have and to be able to give;
Well, it's encouragement!

There are so many different ways we can encourage others.
And as we know we can even encourage ourselves in the Lord!

Have you learned yet to sing when in a trial?
Or when adversity hits right between the eyes?
Have you learned to sing in the fire?

I believe this day that we have a choice;
I have not always made the best choice on some rough days.
But, glory to God, I get a chance to do it right today.

Do you feel that you are a square peg?
Well, I know that I am so different as each of you are!
The enemy always tries to take our peace;
But, we know that if your a round peg, you will fit right in!

Don't give up, plod on and lean in to what is good and holy!
Don't buy the wares of a world that is perishing.

Make time to listen for the birdsong that is singing this fine day...
Have you stopped to be in the moment of praise and a thankful heart?

Are you just going through the motions in this season?
Well, if that is all you can do, hang on!
For remember JOY comes in the morning!

Once you come through the trial or season of affliction;
I can say this one thing;
You will be more humble and filled with a new wonder.

When you go through trials and just live a long life

What will you do with this knowledge?

Choose to be an encourager to others...
Stand For The Truth...
Take pleasure in the simple things...
Read the Psalms...
Be content with WHAT you have;
Trust the Word,
 money will not buy you love, or contentment...

Whatever my lot, the Lord has taught me to say;
~It Is Well With My Soul~

Growing in Grace
Praying For Mercy
Living From Glory To Glory

I appreciate each and everone of you that take the time to read
This blog, that has been a joy to write and share from my heart!

Thank You...


  1. We all have gone through trials. Gotten some of the right with joy through it and other times not. Thankfully, he gives us new chances.
    I have learned when I am beginning to get overwhelmed to withdraw to Him. More time in His Word and less time in the world. We all need strength to walk through trials. Mrs. T @ Across My Kitchen Table shared a book with me that was just what I needed once. Finding God's Path through Your Trials by Elizabeth George. That is what I like about blogs.... being able to read something that is helpful.
    Bless you Roxy as you do that often.

  2. I am just now seeing robins in the yard, but I have heard them singing for at least a month now. They came this year when snow still lay heavy on the ground, but they still sang, although I never saw them. They sang until the snow melted, and now they are happily searching worms. Perhaps that is what it means to sing in the dark, and in the night, because life comes to us in seasons, and one season never lasts forever, so we might as well sing as not! Soon the season will end, and another one will be here.

    I love these thoughts Roxy, you always share your heart and the truth of the Lord so eloquently. Blessings to you sweet friend!

  3. Wonderful words today. I needed them. Contentment. God has blessed me and I need to be content.

  4. Hello Roxy, You are such an encourager, and I appreciate you!
    I love the birds songs, they often stop me and cause me to thank the Lord for such a sweet detail in life. We have no robins yet, but our little red poles sing in the snow, in the wind, in the early morning. The sound of their song beings such great joy that the Lord created such sweet songs to cheer me!

    Praying you have a lovely day!

  5. Roxy, this is beautifully said. God has gifted you with words to encourage and you're doing just that. Thank you. ~ Abby

  6. Roxy, I wish we could meet in person! You write the most encouraging things and I think your writings should be in a book. There are ladies without internet access who could benefit from your posts in print form. Just a thought.

  7. "Don't give up, plod on and lean in to what is good and holy!
    Don't buy the wares of a world that is perishing."

    Wise words!

    But when is there ever not adversity?

  8. I love reading your insightful posts. I am dealing with an uneasy situation in my married life. I do not know if my husband really loves me as I fear he has unnatural affections for his office subordinate. Despite the situation, your words help me to have faith in adversity.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!