Sunday, March 11, 2018

Keep Your Private Cares To Yourself...

When you feel like giving up, LOOK UP... Living from glory to glory blog...

Everything seems large and unmovable...

But, On the bright side some things are meant to be unmovable!

Have you or a loved one been tried in your body or emotions this last season?

When we are tried from every side;
We can only go up!

We all feel like giving up once in awhile;
But it is a fleeting thought because we are able to change,
Our thoughts go in the direction we tell them to go in a way that lifts us up.
~This is called self-control~

I have learned so much in these last few months!

May I share a few of them with you?

Keep your private cares to yourself and spouse and a very few trusted friends!

Never give in to the lies of the enemy!
~The only way you know if it is a lie is by knowing what the Word says~

Be your own advocate in health matters, social matters
~Remember, you know yourself better than anyone~

Do not allow a problem or issue define who you are!
~Thanks for those wise words, dear friend~

Beware of all the health craze diets;
Trust me it can cause much harm, eat sensibly;
~All things in moderation~

You do not have to be friends with everyone you know!

Be kind to yourself...

When things get stormy make up a Battle plan;
~This will help you so much~

I want to add one more thought here on a completely different subject;
I had a very dear older lady friend that told me that it
Is becoming very apparent that the woman no longer desire or care to learn
How to be a Titus 2 women.
~Now that does grieve my heart~

Blessings, Roxy


  1. I never comment, but I wanted to assure that sweet older lady that there are still women wanting to be Titus 2 ladies. I am 41, and I have always wanted to be older and wiser. Since I was 21, I have been pursuing the Biblical picture of a godly woman. I love older women and am always trying to glean what I can from them. We are out there! Keep praying. Thank you for your ministry, Roxy. I read to be encouraged and to learn.

    1. I feel the same way. I love to sit and chat (listen) to older women. Their insight and experiences are so valuable to us today.
      I also desire to be a Titus 2 woman. I've been working on it for many years. I delight in sharing my testimony with the younger women. (I'm 69)

  2. Hello Roxy. I believe Titus 2 women are out there, but they are a bit afraid of speaking up because of the reception they get from many of the younger women.
    I agree with your points today. Many diets can be quite harmful, and we must advocate for ourselves. I have learned this lesson the hard way since I received my pacemaker 2 1/2 years ago. Have a lovely week.

  3. Dear sweet Roxy, This is so sad to hear that your friend not longer wants to minister to younger women-I'm wondering if something has wounded her spirit and made her feel like this. I will lift her up and ask the Lord's touch on her heart. Your post is so touching and true, so many wise points that I need to take to heart more. Sending you big hugs, lots of love and prayers dear one.

  4. Roxy, what a great post! I think there are some things that are so personal that you need to only share it with your closest loved ones. I for one will tell you that I never thought I would share my diagnosis of breast cancer last summer. I have felt a strong connection with some women since doing so, but I still keep some things to myself and sweet hubby.

    1. I have learned this lesson through many painful experiences.
      I am a widow and miss my beloved husband who I shared everything with.
      Now I share all my bothers with my Heavenly Father. He gives me much insight and rest. Praise God

  5. Very wise Roxy, and truthful. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day. Blessings, Sherry

  6. Your so right about these things Roxy. It is strange times we are living in. May the Lord bless you and your husband and keep you. Thanks for visiting and sharing with us always.

  7. I was thinking of you today, and in my reading time "transformed from glory to glory" was there in my devotional. The verses all pertained to your blog heading! 2Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 3:17-19, Psalm 46:10. I knew I had to come over and visit. You have always inspired me, dear Roxy.
    The more we rest In Him, the easier it is to receive...I just need to Be still, and know that HE is GOD!!!
    Love to you, my friend.

  8. Good post. I will be dealing with some of these issues as well..

  9. Unfortunately in the 21 century a woman is not known for her personality or for her heart. A woman is only known by her occupation and that is how the world judges her. I have been a homemaker for 28 years. I love my career as a homemaker. I believe we should encourage one another with our prayers and our uplifting words. This morning Roxy you have encouraged me. 💖

  10. Thank you so much for this wisdom. I've been learning many of these same things.
    It is grievous that women no longer care what God has to say about their lives. God knows best, and when they turn their backs on His truth, they are the ones that suffer. So sad.

  11. I ewcognize that photo taken in Oregon!

  12. I love the basket of roses on the sidebar. Did you take the picture?


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