Friday, May 11, 2018

How Making Cookies With Almond Flour Helps Blood Sugar...

Almond Flour Cookies, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Cookies made with mostly Almond Flour...

So many of us are looking into Lower Carbohydrates in our diets.
It is so hard because everything we love contains carbs.

We love cookies, pasta and breads!
Yet these very foods cause a sharp insulin jolt to our blood stream.
And after years of it, we now can become insulin resistant.

Why are so many finding themselves in the category of high blood sugar?

Grains, Sugars our typical American cuisine

All foods are either:

In order for your diet to be reduced to a smaller amount of Carbohydrates
Will take work and a new found love for cooking.
And preparing meals and desserts that are better for your blood sugar.

Almond flour is a very good alternative to use in making
All the things you love!

I try to use mostly almond flour with a small amount of a Non GMO
Flour that has some gluten in it!
I do not want a dry, tasteless cookie or quick bread.
What's the point?

There are so many different thoughts on this subject;
That is why you must make a plan that works for you and your family!

I have read three books in the last year that have helped me!
Have I followed everything they have taught?

But as a wise woman I have gleaned a bit of wisdom!

Wheat Belly
By William Davis, M. D.

Grain Brain
By Davis Perlmutter & Kristen Loberg

Trim Healthy Momma
By Pearl Barrett & Serene Allison

Find your middle ground...

Again, moderation in all things is best!

Almond flour is sweet and delicious and moist alternative!
Buy yourself a bag and keep in the refrigerator!
Use it and you will be surprised at how well it works!

Eating a meal that is higher in protein is much better then 
Being really high in the carbohydrate form.

We must do what we can to stop the swing in blood sugar;
But we can help our bodies to stay within a safe zone.

You will find many sites and books on this very subject!

Eat And Drink For His Glory;

Tell me what you are doing to lower your amount of carbohydrates!


  1. I have cut way back on carbs in the last few years. My biggest NO-NO is sugar...but I try to avoid that as much as I can. We use almond milk in things so that helps, I know. Have a wonderful weekend & Mother's Day- xo Diana

  2. I am always watching my carbs (for the most part anyway) and I used almond flour and coconut flour for many things. I am not a huge baker so god for me...I would eat it all! I also use flax meal for a quick microwave muffin in a cup and change it up a bit by adding different berries, nuts, etc. I also use almond milk for my cereal...very close to the taste of milk and only 30 calories per cup!

  3. Here! Here! (or is it hear, hear) Either way I understand what you are saying.
    With health you can't be too cautious.

  4. These look so amazing! I am allergic to nuts so cannot have almond flour, but such a great recipe!

  5. I haven't eaten any obvious refined sugar in the last three weeks.
    This is a big issue for me.
    I've never been able to give up the white poison before. I'm also trying to cut out grains, but that's a bit harder because some days, not all, but some days I really feel the need to eat one slice of wholemeal, seeded bread. Just the one slice is enough. I don't eat pasta or rice.
    However, I do have cream in my unsweetened (no sweeteners at all) coffee - that's my treat.
    I gave up sugar because I felt totally out of control regarding sweet things. Also, I have struggled with my weight for over thirty years and I'm prepared to settle at whatever weight I adjust to. Yo-yo dieting has not been good for me and rather than join yet another slimming club, I've realised that being a size 14 (U.S. 10) is rather a fantasy figure considering I became disabled three years ago and can't walk or stand for more than five minutes.
    My fruit intake has reduced as well.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!