Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A Little Cup Of Tea...

A Beautiful Tea Cup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Taking Delight...

Sharing a cup of tea and a lovely read!
As we all have a few favorite magazines and this is one I truly enjoy!

Its the details and no matter how small can make a gift so special.

What brings joy to the heart is not so much the gift;
but the love and thoughtfulness!

A Lovely Tea Towel, A gift package! Living From Glory To Glory blog

I truly enjoyed my gift box that I received from the
~Tea Cup Exchange~

Treasures, sent in love to another, that loves tea and fellowship!

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters,
compared to what lies within us.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Tea Cup, Tea Towel, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This tea cup is very unique and I loved the orange flower that just popped!

The tea towel is so pretty, and I have it displayed in my kitchen!

Goodies to eat and chocolate to savor!
A sucker shaped as a spoon.

Earl Grey tea my very favorite, and have enjoyed it daily!

I loved it all!!!
Thank You Karen From OHIO...

Earl Grey Tea, Livng From Glory To Glory Blog...

Please enjoy a cup of tea today or cofee
And think of all the women all over the world enjoying the
ritual of tea and fellowship!!

Take a few moments each day to allow yourself peace and calm!
A cup of tea can change your outlook on your day!

There is a saying that drinking tea will help you live to a ripe old age!

Life can be hard, but joy comes in the morning;
And in each new season...
We can all fall down by ourselves, but it takes a friend to lift us up!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing.
~Thessalonians 5:11~

Growing In Grace...

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Oh your teacup is beautiful! Aren't these teacup exchanges fun? I guess I better get the tea kettle going and write my teacup post.

  2. I have seen some other teacups from the exchange - what fun!

  3. The teacup is so pretty. I am not a tea drinker, but I do love to have my coffee in a pretty china cup.
    A few years ago I lost a teacher friend to cancer. She had 4 boys and I discovered at the funeral from her family that she often gave china teacups as presents. She had them around her in a house full of boys to be sure and have pretty around her all the time. I adopted her thoughts and make sure I drink my coffee most mornings now in something prettier than an old mug with writing on it.
    Victoria magazine is indeed one of the prettier magazines out there. Very traditional!

  4. Roxy, what a gorgeous tea cup! I love the tea towel too...and other goodies!!! I look forward to these exchanges each time! So uplifting as you mentioned!!! Enjoy! I have some finishing touches to put on my post but hopefully I will have it up in the morning! Have a lovely day Roxy!

  5. Love the teacup and Love Earl Gray Black Tea!

  6. Oh Roxy, what a stunning and oh-so-unique tea cup! I am in love with it {{smiles}} Everything from Karen was truly lovely. Thank you for joining the fun, dear one.

    Thinking of you and sending lots of love your way!

  7. I don't participate in the Tea Exchange but I love seeing what everyone receives.
    All those little extras add up to a beautiful gift.

  8. Hi Roxy, I love your beautiful tea cup. How fun to have participated in the tea cup exchange that Stephanie hosts each year. Enjoy

  9. Your tea cup and gifts are so lovely! I am so happy that I joined the tea cup exchange, what a blessing. So fun to make new friends, God just brings the right people at the right time! Joy truly does come in the morning. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers, they mean so much!
    Hugs ~ Cheryl

  10. WOW!! I love that teacup,Roxy! Very unique in deed and that orange flower certainly does pop.
    Lovely post.
    Bless you~

  11. Love your treasures. I have so enjoyed the tea cup exchanges as well. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Hi Roxy,

    Your tea cup is beautiful! I love the unique shape and colors. May you have a blessed day!


  13. What a lovely package! The teacup is amazing! This exchange has been such fun!

  14. Such a pretty teacup! Enjoy your day!!

  15. I am visiting from Share My Cup. What a lovely package of goodies you received! that teacup is gorgeous. And, in my opinion, Bigelow's Earl Grey is the very best out there. Enjoy your gifts.

    Patti @ Celebrating Our Days

  16. What a lovely tea cup! And that tea towel is beautiful! What fun.
    Perfect time for a cup of hot tea.
    Happy weekend!

  17. OH how lovely your package is! I love your sweet tea cup and how it was tailored just for you! Enjoy your tea!

  18. Roxy, both your teacup and tea towel are just so sweet! I enjoy Victoria magazine as well. I let my subscription lapse and haven't seen one for a while. So nice to enjoy tea and even nicer if you can enjoy it with a friend! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  19. What a unique teacup! I love how Stephanie's swaps bring together teacup lovers from across the world.

  20. I missed the teacup exchange this time, but it looks like it was a lovely one as always. And Victoria magazine has been my favorite from its very start. Hope you're doing well Roxy. xo Deborah


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