Saturday, May 26, 2018

Lovely Table Coverings And A few Things To Make The Home Cozy...

I Truly Think That Doing This One Thing Makes A Home So Cozy

Using a pretty material of a fabric that accentuates your room's color or style,
Can make a table look very nice!
 or lace can just make a room look elegant!

I have seen a movement in many ways to remove all the fluff in one's home.

I understand that too much clutter is a bit much;
But I have covered many of my end tables and dresser tops;
And I have found it much easier to clean them.
Just take things off it and give the covering a good shake outside.

Also, you do not have to add so many knicknacks as the covering
 Decorates it for you!

Finding the pretty fabrics and lace is all a part of the fun!

Being on the lookout for these at yard sales and second hand stores.
Wash and iron them and maybe a bit of altering, and it will fit each
top perfectly, and you can even find different colors or design and patterns.

I have been working on a plan for keeping my home interesting!
Clean and organized, but useful and allow myself to surround
myself with the things I love and use!

My many different yarns!
A boat load of Washi tape and beautiful stickers!
My piano that takes up a whole wall!
A doggy bed that it blush pink for Natash my Red toy poodle!
Pretties hanging on the wall!
A rocking chair that rocks away my stress...

Small comforts, pay big dividends!

Lace, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

A Little Lace, its in the details...

A Kimball Piano, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

Making melody in my heart...

Rose Pattern Fabrics, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Fabrics I adore...

Books, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~ Books ~

Dried Roses, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Dried Flowers...

Fresh Garlic, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Spices and Flavor...

These are just a few of my favorite things...

As Always, Sending a bit of my home to yours!
Loving And Learning
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Blessings, Roxy


  1. I enjoy decorating our home and finding just the right spot for each item I have lovingly chosen. Have a blessed weekend, Roxy! {{hugs}}

  2. I like to surround myself with the things I love, too, Roxy. However, just in the last two years I have started to really edit what I have "out"...and pack some away to bring it back at a later time so it can shine on its own. I love comfort but not clutter anymore.

    I hope you have a blessed, wonderful Memorial Day. xo Diana

  3. Lovely post Roxy. I love to fill my home with things that brings my family comfort. Not everyone likes my style, but I have tried to fill it with items that I love. Tea cups, quilts, beautiful pictures and family treasures. We live in our space, and being able to enjoy it brings happiness to my heart.

  4. I love lace and frills, Roxy. I agree they make a room cozy. I say decorate how you want and enjoy it, it's your home.

  5. You always inspire me, with your beautiful materials, table cloths and curtains, Rox. I love the pictures of all of your favorite things, and I think it is so important to keep those lovely things in our midst.

  6. I enjoy finding or making special things for my home. The little touches make a house feel so homey.
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend,
    Hugs, Cheryl

  7. It is nice to make home comfortable and a pleasant reflection of your personality and your family's interests. Yours has touches of visual beauty, musical sound, and yummy aroma (lemon and garlic). You mentioned yarn and fabric. Afghans and quilts are pretty and comforting, although I have yet to make a quilt. I am at home with books, colorful crochet coasters, afghans, pillows, a pretty mug of coffee, and handy art journal/markers/crochet hooks/floss. Recently I am needing brighter reading light and sometimes reading glasses, so I now have purchased a giant print NKJV bible. My trusty favorite bible was becoming harder for me to read. Oh, and I do use a cloth placemat on the center of the buffet and decorate it with a short stack of dessert plates and tea bags and a vase of artificial flowers. Thanks for inviting us to think of the comforts of home and how we make it so. I should add, I am not the only person reflected in our home, so we also have athletic shoes, game controllers, homework papers, headphones, sport trophies and stuffed animals! God bless you! Alexine

  8. I’m squinting and enlarging your book selection.
    What is your favorite tyke if reading book?
    And which one is your favorite?

  9. I love table linens too as you probably know! I layer them on tables all over my house and porch! Yes, even on my piano!!! Lovely things Roxy! xx

  10. Many of your favourites are mine too :) Lovely glimpses from your home. Thanks for sharing ~ Linda

  11. I am always on the look out for wonderful vintage linens!


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