Sunday, September 23, 2018

Divine Interruptions...

A Lovely hand Crafted Sage Green Pitcher, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The unexpected moments and situations...

We must consider divine appointments, we encounter often.
Many things happen to us that may feel like an inconvent interruption.

But, if we would change our perception and look to see what,
God is doing!

This lovely hand crafted pitcher can be filled with just about anything.
But, I can make a choice to fill it with fresh, clean water, or cold delicious milk.
Or I can use it as a container to place some beautiful fresh flowers.

When I am on my quest to do a chore or an activity;
I become so focused at times I have missed many opportunity's.

I pray very often that I might be in the right place at the right time;
Just as I pray please keep me away from anything that is not from You!

I want to be a vessel that is used, but not abused!

Being wise is spoken of as being as wise as a snake and gentle as a dove.

I want to hear, and see when these interruptions happen to me!
I do not want to miss a divine appointment!

But mostly my days are filled with little things;
The choice to do what is useful and sweet for making our HOME lovely.

But, when we at least stop for a moment!
Lift up a prayer and give what we can!

Silver and Gold I have not;
But what I have I give to thee...

 An interruption may be a divine appointment the Lord has schedueled for the day!

Have you looked at interruptions as a chance to pray and to serve?

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Very sweet post, Roxy! I think I have probably missed some 'divne' appointments by not paying attention. But what you say is true...we must stop and look for them. I know when I do have one, I definitely know it! Have a blessed week!

  2. I really love this post, Roxy. I know that I have missed 'divine opportunities' in my life...but guess that is what being human is all about. But on the other hand, I have sometimes been guided by a call beyond my understanding to take on something that I would never have sought out on my own.
    Love to you- xo Diana

  3. Super post, Roxy! I know that my life has had many divine interruptions and I am so very thankful to the Lord that the Holy Spirit has helped me discern when they happen. Have a blessed week!

  4. Such an interesting concept, your beautiful little pitcher can be transformed into several different uses... and truly just as that green vessel we can be used and transformed into a work the Lord may have called us to. A great thought to ponder! May the sweet blessings of the Lord be with you today :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!