Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pretty Fall Tea And How Fall Is A Time Of Transition...

Fall Tea, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Fall Tea
Fall Is The Time Of Transitioning...

I often think how gracious our Dear Lord is to allow us this season!
The transition can be a hard time if it happens too quickly.
It is so much easier to be able to change slowly.
Like the leaves on the trees, they take their time changing!

Sometimes when we think of it when the suddenlies happen,
We can be in shock and it causes great stress on one's self,
And the home life, even children feel the stress and tension.

We can save ourselves some grief, if we will give ourselves time to adjust!
Yes, some things are out of our control!
But, when we can do things in stages or gradually!
Less shock and more acceptance.

I pray often for God to give me the grace and strength;
needed for what each day and season might bring!

I am always looking for the bright side;
But we must climb higher to see the sun at times!
Everything is work,
 But we can make it fun or rewarding just by our attitude!

Remember, even if you have nothing planned for the day;
Take a shower and get the ugh off!
Get outside and walk around and breath deep!
Take control of your thoughts!
Be your own advocate and make wise choices!

Start making a list of activities and things to create to keep
yourself moving and growing!
Being flexible, so when the changes come you can bend and flow!

Always, Roxy


  1. That is so true, Roxy---that we need to take the time to adjust and be flexible with life's changes. I do believe that every trial just makes us stronger.

    Hope you got my return email. xo Diana

  2. I am definitely feeling a bit behind this year. I am going to get up in the morning and get myself in gear. Be a mover.

  3. Very true. I fight fall because winter and snow are definitely not favorites of mine. I need to be more gracious and accepting of the changes. However, after already driving through two snowstorms already this month, it is proving difficult for me.

  4. This is very good, Roxy.
    Thank you for these encouraging thoughts today.
    I hope you are well.

  5. Taking control of our thoughts is so important!

  6. It is wonderful if there is time to transition in between events, but most of the time real life scenarios don't quite offer that luxury, but if it can be done, and it is in our power to make it happen, it is a good thing to remember. I understand from IG that you got a huge dumping of snow today... quite a swift transition from fall to winter, oh my! But the snow truly is just so beautiful, especially with the first snowfall. Stay warm and cozy today Roxy, blessings and hugs!

  7. Super post and perfect timing. I'll never forget the moment of my biggest suddenly—when I found the lump. Praise God, I'm finally through all my treatments and surgeries!
    I've been declared cancer free, too. I'll keep having appointments and tests and taking a pill to stop my hormones. (Try that for menopause!)

    I find that there are transitions in my life that have happened during my cancer treatments for the last year and a half. My nest is emptying. My children are growing up quickly. I'm nearly finished—just a year and a half more of homeschooling.

    I'm just glad I'm here.
    I think your wash the ugh off and get outside advice is very good.
    Glad I dropped by tonight.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!