Sunday, October 21, 2018

Taking The Road Less Traveled And Enjoying The Journey...

A Country Road, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

It is more blessed to give...

This road is a road less traveled...

Life is filled with many back roads, some have had the most
amazing things to see and discover!

We just had the privilege to have our dear friends Lydia And Stanley;
Lydia@ Home Living Blog
Came for a few days to visit our home and stomping grounds.

I tried to get a picture of us girls together,
But the camera was not going to do us any favors.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Friends

My plan is to get into my Fall mode of shorter days.

Getting outside for a walk even if the weather is not perfect.

Spending more time in the early mornings, praying and reading the Word!

Using the crockpot for those easy, delicious dinners!

Watching more sweet movies that make me happy and cry!

Writing more emails and letters to those I miss!

Being kind to myself

Being more aware of what is the better choice in foods and company!

And to remind myself to create something beautiful every day!

And giving myself the freedom to rest and relax!

Remember so many are stressed and are living with the
consequences of making bad choices;
But I truly believe we all just want to be loved...

Life can be so very hard!
Just think, If we did not have all these trials we would be bored!
Hold Steady
Remember when you have done all you can do;

Hope some of you tried making that creamy Pumpkin Soup,
Because it is super delicious!

May each of you be strong and courageous!
Much Love, Because the love of Christ compels me.

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Great post, Roxy. I agree with all this!
    Hugs, Sylvia

  2. I think you are smart to do something lovely every day and seek to destress your life. Lovely photo of you and your friend, too. xo Diana

  3. What a lovely visit you must have had! The pictures are beautiful!

    I hope you are feeling well today. God bless you!

  4. It's a great reminder so slow down, enjoy and ponder these moments and days.

  5. You and Miss Lydia are beautiful.Thank you for this post today,just what I needed.Blessings,Dawn

  6. So true. I would be bored without trials. And I wouldn't being growing in Jesus! Thank you for your blog. From a young mum.

  7. I agree Roxy. We should all try to enjoy the small things too.
    So glad that the Shermans were able to visit. I'm sure you all had a good time.
    Hope you are recovering from your surgery.

  8. What a nice visit you must have had...sweet picture of the two of you! I like the ideas that you shared here. :)

  9. Slow down, recognizing and acknowledging God in all we do and all we are. Fall gives many opportunities to do just this.

  10. I made the pumpkin soup in a single serve size. Very satisfying. Nice photo of you two. Alexine in Maryland

  11. It sounds like Autumn days are going to be comfy and cozy at your house.

    I like the picture of you and Lydia. I knew you were blessed to have such a sweet guest for a visit.

    Stay cozy and's freezing out here!!

    Hugs from Shirley

  12. Great post Roxy. I loved everything you said. IT is what I love to so in the cooler and shorter day months.

  13. I have not made the soup yet but am looking forward to it. Your list today is a good formula for daily life! I brought home so many good ideas from you. It keeps me from travel lag and feeling down now that I face the work back home. Travel is delightful because you don't have to do any home work! It is nice to get stimulating ideas from a friend. I just bought a candle called Maple Butter Cream. I was looking for Pumpkin Maple but no such thing.

  14. Beautiful post. Thank you for the encouraging words. You are right, many are stressed and going through trials. As I have gotten older, I see so much that we miss when we are only looking at the present. God has given me so many blessings, and I often forget to be grateful for His daily mercies.

  15. How wonderful to share such a special visit from Lydia and her husband! It truly does the heart good to spend time with friends and share fun, laughter and good memories together. Fall seems to pass oh so quickly! Our fall leaves are gone here, and now most everything is barren and brown. Such is the season as we prepare for winter. I am enjoying the cozy days inside sipping a cup of hot tea. There are lovely things to look forward to with each season. Blessings and hugs :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!