Sunday, February 24, 2019

How To Backup And Save Your Blog Posts...

Learn To Backup Your Blog, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Importance Of Backing Up Your Blog!!

I have always been a bit paranoid that one day I would wake up to find my
Blog either vanished from or banished from Blog sphere.

The Blogger platform is one of the best in my opinion!

Blogger has a built in recovery and backup plan for lost content.

Many of us Blogger's have been blogging for a long time;
We have shared pictures and content that contains
Our hearts and our trials and our victories...

When we all look back over the years we can see that the Internet has changed.
There are many people that can try to use what we have written.
I think we must all take a moment and do a reality check.
We all run a risk when we put it on the Internet.

I will not even go into all the glitches and trouble I have had!
Sometimes I am afraid to change my template.

I am not a professional tecky person,
But I have tried to learn how to keep my blog clean and safe!
Secure Content
A Great virus and malware protection.
Paying for one is a much better then a free one in my opinion!

There are some Blogs out there that I no longer can visit;
Because it contains mix content, Https & Http
Using pictures or content not legal

How to back up your Blog
Very Easy
Go to your Dashboard
Go to your settings (click other)
You will see the Title Import & Backup
Click Backup
Save to computer

It will download to your computer!
They say to do it every three months or so!

Blogger is a wonderful company, but everything has glitches.
I have learned so much by investigating all my little and big problems.

Keep your information safe, be careful what you share!
Backup Your Blog Material

Blessings, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory


  1. You are so right Mrs. Roxy. We must all take safety precautions with what we share on the web. I have gotten into the habit of backing my blog up every month. Had to set up a reminder on my gmail calendar so I wouldn't forget. I know that you sharing how to do this on blogger will bless your readers :)

  2. Totally agree Roxy.
    Whenever change my tempate.. which isn't often either I back it up. I also have all posts emailed to myself and file them in a folder in my email.
    I also have good antivirus on computer and buy extension for my mobile. Saves so much hassle.
    Lord bless your week sis.
    Hugs Shaz. X

  3. Hi Roxy, thanks for showing us how to back up your blog. I followed your directions and did it this morning.
    I hope you have a nice week.
    Hugs, Julie xo

  4. Thank you Roxy for explaining this because I never knew how. Can you explain why when I visit a blog the padlock which and the https vanishes and changes to a red triangle warning the blog isn't secure when I go to make a comment? That doesn't happen to yours though. All the blogs I follow I know are safe except that little triangle thing? As far as I know my own blog doesn't do that but perhaps I should check? Thanks you Roxy.

  5. I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for this information, after reading it a few days ago, I immediately went and backed my blog up. Thank you so much, and for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment.

  6. I hadn't backed up my blog for years, but finally did it last week. I'd be so sad to lose everything. Last fall I suffered a glitch with my blog, thankfully I was able to get everything restored, but it was a terrible feeling when I thought all was ruined. It feels good to know I have a back up now!


  7. Thanks for reminding me about this Roxy!!! :)


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