Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Taste Of Home...

Home Living, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Taste Of Home

It's always nice to have a home that makes you want to be there.

One of the things I hope to see in this next generation is this;
Just a desire to have a place that is cozy and clean,
Filled with things that make it useable and lovely.

They will have to learn to do things a bit different in this new decade.

I really don't recognize the world we live in anymore.

I see and hear things that shock me!
Some of these things break my heart!

But, we still have the responsibility and joy to create
A place filled with things that truly satisfy!

We need to capture and create
The Taste Of Home...

Good Food
Good Books
Good Fellowship
Good Laughs

Why are pain killers so prevalent?
Why is it that no one wants to feel anything?

Why do we need every kind of energy drink available?
No one sleeps anymore
A culture of insomniacs;

We are addicted to screens, phones or devices!
Houston, we got a problem!

Do we even understand the meaning of moderation?

Do you need a bit of good old fashion Home Life?
Home Life, Living From Glory To glory Blog

I for one want to encourage all of us to never give up on what is needed!
The body really needs a place where the mind can rest
The Body to be nourished
The Taste of something fulfilling!
Try a new recipe!
Start having an evening you have others over for a meal!
 Home with Heart

Having a small spot to be able to create!
 Painting, or Reading, Beading
Encourage one another to build and to use their God given talents!

Creative, Imagination, Color, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Fight the good fight...
Keep your home a refuge...
The Taste Of Home will always be appreciated if you will do
What is required of you!

Keep Praying and Keep watch over your HOME...

Love, Roxy


  1. Amen! There’s not much I can add to your post except to say that I agree with every word of it. Hospitality is an all but forgotten art. And the pride of making your home beautiful, for not only yourself, but others has gone by the wayside. Not with all. But it seems the majority of this generation is more interested in what is on their screens than what is actually happening in their own lives. I hope that they Come to that realization before it’s too late. Blessings, Betsy

  2. I agree with you totally about all of the things you mentioned here. I don't think that many people cook at home that much and do take out and are obsessed with their electronics. I enjoyed reading this post. It's great that you are painting and making necklaces. It's fun taking the time to be creative. :)

  3. I understand your blog post.
    I just wrote two letters today. Both to grandchildren. I could of sent a video but opted out to WRITE. I even drew a picture (cartoon style) to my grand daughter. It was funny looking but I thought she'd (someday) enjoy a hand drawn picture.

  4. You're right Roxy, it's so worth the effort to make our homes a place of refuge for those we love. There's no place like home!

  5. So true Roxy.. we're exhorted "to do good to all men especially those of the household of faith" and so needful.
    I really love your painting corner... its so gorgeous!
    Hugs and God bless you dear Roxy, Shaz in Oz . XXX

  6. A thousand Amens...we need Home today desperately.

    May hearts be enabled to understand.

    So sad for the children today who never have the taste of home

    Hugs to you dear friend


  7. Good encouragement Roxy. I've been so tired this winter, and relying on convenience foods but it's just not the same! A pot of homemade beef stew is on, and so nice! xo

  8. So encouraging , Roxy, I agree with and even feel exactly as you do, we must keep the home fires burning, we must live by example. Thank you for being the voice in this vast wilderness.

  9. Dear Roxy,
    What a wonderful message. I couldn't agree more.
    I can't fathom how to function in this world with out the Lord directing and protecting me.
    Following the Word of God and all the love and creativity we pour into our home and family is what invites those caught up in the deception
    of the world today that God offers something solid, honest and peaceful. We are IN the world but not OF this world. I'm grateful for your words of wisdom.
    God bless you and yours
    Trish Clark

  10. I so agree. It's always nice to get away for a bit but I am most happy in my humble home. Great words of wisdom, Roxy!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!