Tuesday, June 18, 2019

A Man Needs A Godly Helpmeet...

Bing A Godly Wife, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Being a wife is an amazing ministry; It's not something
That is going to be easy, but it's also not that hard either!

I have not lost my own identity being a wife and a mother!

I have grown from being able to help keep things running smoothly.
I do believe as a new bride I was rather strong willed;
And definitely self-centered.

We learn very early in this modern world to seek your own good.
But God has a different plan if we will just realize He wants us to have Joy!

Learning to find delight and a sense of fulfillment of what you accomplish
is a good thing,

All these works to love our husbands and children will have eternal worth!

Every load of laundry, every kind word, everything you do!
Is a good thing...
Putting your husband first is something that can bring great peace!
And trust me it really only takes a small bit of time each day.

Our modern culture has made being a godly wife silly, or unnecessary.
But, A Home, with A Woman that desires to serve her Husband and Family
Will be a Rare Treasure...

Psalm 128:3-4
"Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine
by the sides of thy house"

"A man needs a godly help meet
for earthly felicity.
He that findeth a godly wife
findeth a good thing.
A wife keeps the home,
her chief faithfulness
is in the inner of the dwelling
which she adorns.
She keeps at the home
and so keeps the home.
Fantastic blessedness 
comes from the Lord,
and to Him alone we
must look for it.
The Lord's chosen 
find rest and quietness.
They shall have peace
from the God of peace."
Charles Spurgeon

Always Learning
Always Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Thank you for posting this. So many believe that if you are "just" a home-maker or house-wife, you have no real worth. In God's eyes we do and in my husbands eyes, I do. I love being a house-wife for him.

  2. Everything!, for His glory. Even picking up dirty socks for our husbands.

  3. So beautiful a post Roxy. Never just a homemaker or helpmeet but a place of great honour.and privilege. May we always walk worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus. This world is not our home for we seek one to come.
    Thanks dear sis fir writing so truly.
    Love in Him,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. I see what a help it is to have a godly Mr. too! Girls I see whose lives might have steered away from the Lord are greatly helped where the the mate they choose is upright!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!