Tuesday, June 25, 2019

We Are Called To Defend Our Lentil Fields...

Defend Your Lentil Fields Ladies, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Defend Your Lentil Field

But he stationed himself in the middle of the lentil field,
Defended it and killed the Philistines.
"So the Lord brought about a great Victory"
2 Samuel 23: 11-12

A parcel of ground that is full of lentils;
 Was it worth fighting for?

We are all given a resource and we must make it last!
Each pod has only two little lentils in it!

This lovely Bible story is a great Word picture for me.
This one thing is worth fighting for dear ones;
Because the lentil field is worth life or death!

What does the lentil fields symbolism in our lives today?

The lentil field is our estate
No matter how large or humble

Your Position
Your sphere of influence!
Our marriages
Our fruitful vines
(Children and Grandchildren)
Our Health

~Stand Your Ground~

Defend your field...

He expects you to defend what He has given you.
Why- So He is given a Victory and a good return out of the field,
He has given you charge of!

That Old serpent the devil drops in and slithers through our fields to cause,
Friction, contention, dissension and division, discontentment!

To destroy or devour our goods or our lives!

Give NO place to the devil Ephesians 4:27
Place means (foothold, opportunity)

We need to watch our emotions, hurt feelings, anger, resentment.

Take a stand and don't give up...
What the Lord has given you, take care of it...
We will one day give account for how we defended His property.

The Battle is tough; But He will give you strength!

Take up the weapons of our warfare...
The Word, Prayer...

Daily... Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy


  1. This is an interesting thought...I will think about it today, which fields in my life I need to defend. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I'm applauding you and your stands on the gifts given to us! YES! We need to protect and stand up for what was GIVEN to us. Do it for our children and grandchildren!

  3. Hmmm. Boy, with all of the strife in the online crafting community right now, I needed to hear this. I've been trying to be silent and just read both "sides" but I do need to realize that the battle is the Lord's, not mine. I need to focus on what is important in MY life. My husband. My home. My family.
    Thank you for the reminder.

  4. My son is named Shammah, after the hero of this story. Love this!

  5. Lentils were probably one of the pain sources of nutrition and they placed a great value on them...great analogy! By the way, do you have any great recipes for lentils? I have just been researching them for their top of the list nutritional value and want to start eating them!

  6. I love this post,Rox. It lifted me up when I heard you talk about it the other day here at my house, and it encouraged me so much as I just read it here now. Thanks so much for the reminder and the encouragement.

  7. Hi Roxy, I wondered if that was a typo for a minute ...'Lentil'. It captured me right off :) Such a great piece of writing and so encouraging. I was a Vegetarian for 3 years about 20 years ago and Lentils were one of the main things I ate. Lentil lasagna, Lentil soup, lentil patties, the list goes on. Inexpensive and nourishing. These days I mostly just use the red ones in soup. Thanks for your inspiring words ~ Linda

  8. Such great words, Roxy! Sometimes the fight is tough, but defend we must... the alternative is giving in to what satan wants – and that is unthinkable..Thank you for this reminder on a day I needed it. Blessings to you! ♥

  9. Dear Roxy,
    I love how you brought this scripture to bear on our daily lives. Wisdom my dear!
    I've missed you. I've not written much since my husband has not yet been able to get my old computer to connect with the new internet. Soon I hope.I'm borrowing hubby's while he takes a well-deserved nap.

    Summertime is so wonderful. I'm hope you're enjoying it.

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,
    Laura Lane


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!