Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How To Train Yourself To Become Self Motivated...

Be Motivated, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

How To Become Self Motivated?

I have heard so many people say, I can hardly get myself motivated!

I truly feel bad for these individuals'
Because generally speaking, we all could feel this way!

I asked a young lady the other day what she does all day long,

It just shocked me that her response was;
I just sit around all day, 
"She said some people think that is boring, but, I don't"
But her response was this is what she has been doing all along since she has gotten married!
She has been married for at least a year and has a newborn,

She told me she was bottle feeding so her husband can get up through the night to help feed,
"She said so she can sleep!"
 Now I don't have a problem with formula feeding,
And I think its great for any help the Father wants to help with!
So do not take this out of context,

I tried a comeback to her, do you like to read?
 She said I have some books, but I just look at them!
This not the Baby Blues!

I was told she does nothing;
She waits for her husband to get home, he works a lot of hours!
So then he has to make dinner and clean!

So is this just an isolated incident?

Are we all becoming unmotivated?

Or is it just a few lazy people...

How can you help yourself?

How can you help others?

I believe we are all suppose to carry our own load!
We are all responsible to work and make our lives and homes profitable;
With being clean and cozy and welcoming!

Some things to help you become trained in becoming Self Motivated

Making a list daily
"Write down what needs to be done"
Have a list of things that need to be done this month.
And things that need to be done daily!

Tell yourself that you must be productive!
Tell yourself you will not be lazy!
Be proud that you are setting your hand for a job that needs to be done!
Be intentional about your life habits!
Be focused!

Motivation for being a doer, is not any different than training for the Olympics!
"It takes every single day to work to stay ahead and to gain ground"

Learn how to do tasks in the most efficient way
Keep track of your progress
"I also like to write down what I have done that was not on my list!

Being a motivated person, requires a plan!

Even doing something small will start you flowing to complete a job!

I will ask myself this "Do you want to be like a sloth?"

My heart goes out to that young woman,
She will one day pay a high price for not wanting to work or to learn and grow!

We must never stop moving in the direction of accomplishing tasks!

If you will but ask for help, take advice, seek wisdom.
You will grow into a stronger motivated person!

Maybe we all need a life coach!

If you see someone that might except some help, give it!
If this young new Mom would allow me to help her I would;
But as we all know some people are not willing to allow someone to help!

That's another post for another situation...

But I will be calling her to ask if I might call her or text her to encourage her!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. I can't even imagine! Some days I do get more done than others but I usually have a list made for the next day before I go to bed. Many times I have to sit a LOT because of my back issues, but I'm always busy. Even sitting I'm knitting, crocheting or cross-stitching. Or...writing out cards for the shut-in's at church or calling them to chat and offer an encouraging word. There is so much that can't be done even if you aren't physically able to do a lot around the house. Thank you for this post as a reminder to keep myself busy "unto the ways of my household."

  2. This is a good job for a Titus 2 lady.
    Many of the woman coming up into homemaking do not have any training and do not know where to begin, or how.There are many sad reasons for this issue. Some girls don't have a role model some don't know what being a helpmeet means. Without pointing fingers or throwing anyone under the bus, let's start investing our prayers, our time and talents. Then, may the holy Spirit teach and guide.
    As far as having a baby to train up, again it is scriptural to come along side and guide. For those who can't get out or do not have free time...your prayers can move mountains!
    We can't all do everything but we can all do something!

    For the saint that is able to invest the Lord how to train her. Not your way...but HIS way. We need to give love before we can expect someone to listen. Pray for the opportunity to share the hope that is within you.
    If you're the saint at home praying, get a notebook just for specific people that you see need help. Put their name at the top of the page and begin to seek God's wisdom in praying for her. You shouldn't be sharing this is a calling between you and God.
    It will be exciting to see changes happening and only you and God know you had a part in it.

  3. Thank you Roxy. I have a paper planner (Homemaker's Friend) and it is so helpful to me for planning my to do list. I also am learning not to beat myself up if I don't get all done on my list. Sometimes something will come or God has other plans.

  4. I was this past week asked what I did all day. I hardly knew where to start. :) I think that it's only right and fair that I put in my fair share of the work that it entails to meet the needs of my family. Being a homemaker isn't just sitting around at home. It's an action word. It is also our place as the woman of the house to train the children to also take care of the home and the needs of the family. We all need to be able to contribute, it's part of being a family.
    I'm not into life coaching...but being a mentor or encouragement or supporter is definitely what we need to do for each other. Especially to those that are younger and less experienced.
    Choosing to spend our time wisely is a skill that needs to be cultivated. I make lists...for all sorts of things. I found it nice that you also write down the things that you do that aren't on the list. :)

  5. Oh couldn’t agree more Roxy, there is one of these lasses in our family, hard working hubby dies all cooking and much more, the wife does a lot more than this lass, but not always most important.. oh to be wise when young, only by the spirit if God does such wisdom come.
    I pray for this young lady that the Lord would bring something or someone into her life to wake her up to the urgency of redeeming the time for the days are evil.
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too. Your comment on my blog the other day really really blessed me.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!