Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why everything Takes Work And Diligence...

Apple Orchard, Working to bring in the harvest, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Apples Galore...

Are you willing to do the hard work of putting up your harvest?

Whether we plant apple trees or peach trees;
Whether we grow a garden filled with all kinds of different seeds.
We must consider the cost!

Everything takes work and diligence...

If we cannot be trusted to take care of what God blesses us with now!
How can you hope for an increase?

We were promised toil and snare after the first sin;
We no longer have the milk and honey land or life.

But we are still being held accountable to take care of our garden;
And this garden I am referring to is everything you have,
Been intrusted with!!

God will test each of us with how we manage His blessings!

We are but stewards of everything we have!
Even your education and all your relationships, Homes!

I guess I am not really a fun Blog, but I assume,
You come here to be encouraged, with a portion of lets get er done attitude.

When you enter a trial of hardship;
Or with every morning you awake,
Can you be counted on to roll up your sleeves and work?

If God gives you seed to plant you better plant them;
Cultivate them, watch over them!
And you must bring in the harvest!

We can take time to rest every night, and even a short nap.
But we must work while it is yet day!

We were created for fellowship with our heavenly Father;
But we have been entrusted to take care of His vineyard.

Everything will require attention;
That is why I think all our technology is a bit of a curse.
Everyone is distracted and not working with their hands!
Do what makes a home run for God's glory...

Work is a blessing...

Hope and Pray each of you become inspired and will set your hands,
To the task at Hand!
(Pun intended)

May we encourage one another to work as onto the Lord...

It's really not all about you...

Ask God for strength to do what is required of you!!

Love, Roxy
~Living From Glory To glory Blog~


  1. Hey girl!! Good post right here!! once I sign off from here, I have some chores to finish for the day. You are so on target about taking care of the blessings God bestows on us!! If we don't, He'll find someone else who will. How are you doing, Roxy? Fall is in full swing here at the lake. Love to you, my friend. Debbie xo

  2. This was a lesson I learned the hard way but I did learn!

  3. Good Morning Roxy! I always learn and I'm blessed by your posts. We are indeed supposed to care for the blessings we are given. Wishing you a wonderful day in the Lord my friend.

  4. I love your blog! It's not full of happy fluff, but of encouragement! To consider some real life things that older women do need to teach us younger women. Everything does require attention, and when it's not given things do tend to fall apart...our relationships and our homes. May we do all as unto the Lord!

  5. A beautiful post, Roxy. I think so often we plant the seeds but have a hard time waiting for them to come to fruition and sometimes give up before it happens. xo Diana

  6. I'm convicted. I have to make jam from our too hot to eat jalapenos!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!