Monday, January 20, 2020

Finding A Pretty Treasure And Sharing Our Lives...

Vintage Rose Painting, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

We now have so many different ways to communicate with others!
What a joy to be able to send a quick picture or text about something,
That is a moment you want to share with others!

I am so grateful for the fast and easy ways we can connect with others today!

But, we all know the feelings of being lonely or isolated.
So we must always strive to reach out and connect in a personal way!

Meeting for coffee or a phone call!

Writing a letter or a nice long email to someone!

It is so much more enjoyable to have someone close to your heart;
And to know what is going on in your life.
Maybe not as impersonal as Facebook, with every relationship.
We are created for intimate relationships, not so impersonal.
And you do not have to be best friends with everyone.
(Just a few that are near and dear to your heart)

I remember as a young newly married woman then quickly,
A new Mom, there were times of thinking,
I just wish I had someone to talk to!
About things that mattered to me and someone to help advise me.

Reach Out And Touch Someone Today!

And keep your eyes open for a treasure meant just for you!

As Always Living From Glory To Glory

Learning Something New Everyday...
Yet Finding Comfort In The Ordinary!

Love, Roxy


  1. I enjoyed your video today. The painting and the story behind it are both beautiful. I do watch a lot of utube videos while I'm knitting/crocheting because I rarely watch "real" TV anymore.
    It's so nice to be able to put a voice and a face with the words I've been reading that you have written on your blog.
    Wishing you a lovely and blessed Monday Roxy.

  2. I enjoyed reading this post and listening to your video. It is nice to connect with people besides social media such as joining a group at church or in your community that appeals to you. Thanks for the visit to my blog and your sweet comment. Hope you have a nice week.

  3. So lovely Roxy. Thank you for your edifying words and encouragement.

  4. Really enjoyed your video from your computer and of course I like your backgrounds too.

  5. So lovely to "see" you Roxy. You bring such sweet and down to earth wisdom.
    My mom was a rose lover. She grew them and enjoyed them so much. What a lovely gift from God they are.
    I think that you are very brave and strong to endeavor to do the youtube and I will enjoy your presentations.
    Sincerely, Trish Clark

  6. Such an uplifting 'visit,' Roxy. I shall also strive to keep an eye out for my daily Treasure.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!