Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Shrimp On Angel Hair Pasta Quick And Easy Meal...

Easy Shrimp Dinner, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Shrimp served on Angel Hair Pasta

I always like to keep a bag of frozen raw shrimp in my freezer;
You can get a bag at the super market for under eight dollars.

It's really handy for a quick meal when the day has gotten away from you!

I did make this last night and it was delicious!
The angel hair pasta cooks up so very fast and is light.
I always like to add onions and garlic and olive oil and butter,
The sauce is mostly butter, so You can a dash of sweet and sour!

Or just add more olive oil and garlic salt!

Delicious and you can make and serve this in a flash...

I made a clip to share with you!

I am enjoying using Bloggers Video Clips!

I am not sure I want all the things that go along with YouTube Channel!

Still researching the pros and cons...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Mrs. Roxy. That shrimp and pasta sound yummy! I didn't know about the Blogger video clip option. I haven't paid attention to it to even know it was there. LOL It's so nice to see and hear you. What a lovely kitchen you have. I love letting the natural light come inside my home too :)

  3. Hi Roxy, I love shrimp with angel hair pasta. You recipe looks so good and I love your video you shared at the end. I hope you continue to do these little videos and good luck with it! Thanks for this recipe idea.

  4. You are adorable, and I think you would be a great YouTuber but I do understand the hesitation. BTW, I am making shrimp tonight too! Only mine is with roasted broccoli. XO, Stephanie

    1. Hi Roxy,
      I loved seeing you and your kitchen. I felt like I was right there with you. You sounded so friendly and natural. The shrimp is a great idea for a quick meal. I'd never thought of it.
      Be blessed dear,

      P.S. Is Blogger Video Clips something directly on Blogger? I hadn't heard of it.

  5. I just re-subscribed to get your posts by email as I never seem to get them. I loved getting to hear your voice :) It makes you seem more real (which I know is very odd of me to say). Blessings to you ~ Linda


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