Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Benefits Of Making Lists, And Vintage Material...

I absolutely love this material...
I would love to have a bed pillow covered by this Ticking Material.
But having an apron made out of it is just the perfect thing for me,
As I wear aprons while cooking and deep cleaning.

Every day is a new chance to BLOOM...

Hope You enjoy this video clip...

One thing other than washi tape and stickers and aprons is pretty shopping list,
That I just can't get enough of (smiles)

Ticking is a cotton or linen textile that is tightly woven for durability and to prevent down feathers from poking through the fabric and used to cover mattresses and bed pillows It commonly has a striped design, in muted colors such as brown, gray or blue, and occasionally red or yellow, against a plain, neutral background.

Although traditionally used in mattresses and pillows, the material has found other uses, such as serving as a backing for quilts and other bedding It is sometimes woven with a twill weave.

Ticking is no longer restricted to a utility fabric and has found uses in interior decorating styles intending to evoke a homespun or industrial aesthetic. Modern uses for ticking include furniture upholstery, cushion covers, tablecloths, decorative basket liners, and curtains. Occasionally, lighter weight  cloth is printed with a striped pattern made to resemble ticking fabric, and used to make garments  (Information From Wikipedia)

Enjoy your day or night!
Keep a smile on your face and get'er done!

Hugs, Roxy
Always, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. I've been reading your blog for years. It was wonderful to get to see you! Thank you for sharing.

  2. HI! I love your apron, and I agree that the material is hard to find...I've looked for years. Love the pattern on your apron..very cheerful! I love pretty lists to. I Use my planner for my every day what to do/ what I've done list. I use it as a bit of a journal to. Then I keep my other pretty lists for my town days. All the stops I need to make and what I need to pick up. Makes doing those things more pleasant. :) Thanks for your encouragement!

  3. Really enjoying your videos Roxy. That fabric is lovely. I am a list maker too!

  4. Years and years ago I used to work at a dry cleaners and part of my job was making feather pillows. We had several ticking fabrics to choose from and several different kinds of feathers too. Goose down was the most expensive and we had fabric just like your apron fabric. Making the pillows was a favorite part of my job, although on hot and humid days I sometimes resembled the bird I was using the feathers from! :-)

  5. Loved your post on lists, I find lists so useful, and love the material you used for your apron, I made some apron and used some thick curtaining material in a check, it has the same feel as your ticking apron, and they are so hardwearing. Sue x

  6. Just lovely Roxy....the apron is quite pretty. It is hard to find ticking today. A friend of mine recovered her sofa in blue stripe ticking and it turned out very nice. Keep up your charming posts and videos. They are uplifting.
    Hugs from Shirley

  7. We write lists for EVRYTHING! haha The ticking fabric is so pretty. I could see a chair or ottoman covered in it would be lovely. I can't even believe Jan is gone. It flew by and I didn't get near done what I wanted. Have a blessed day and wonderful beginning to February, Roxy!

  8. OH, I'm a list maker from way back. I even keep my lists (to do list). My grand daughter loves to read my tablets from years gone by.
    And I'm with you, love to pick up lost lists and read them!!!

  9. Great advice, Roxy, I am a list maker too, and I also journal, love aprons too, like you I wear them while in the kitchen and doing housework. Your apron is so lovely, I received a pretty one at Christmas, Have a great weekend.

  10. Oh my....your apron is so lovely, Roxy!! No wonder it's your favorite. I hung the one you made for me with my vintage aprons from my Grandma. I absolutely cherish it! Seeing your video made me smile. It reminded me of our time together recently. What a delightful day! I just love you, sweet Sister In Christ! Debbie xo

  11. That is a beautiful color you are wearing in this video!! Thank you for all the cheer you bring to the internet and other women.

  12. I have never sern ticking as beautiful as yours dear Roxy.. ours here is quite boring. That's stunning.. if I saw it I'd buy it.
    Lists absolutely! Several different ones on kitchen bench in usual list area, always.
    Shopping lists, to do job lists, sort this list etc etc.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. Oh...I do love that gorgeous fabric...your apron is so pretty! I enjoyed the video too! Hugs & blessings!


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