Monday, February 3, 2020

How To Make Fabric Coasters With Video Clip Directions...

How To Make Fabric Coasters, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

These coasters are made from a Pioneer Woman table cloth,
I just cut the excess fabric off as it was too long for my table.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Batting for Coasters, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Measure fabric 6x6
Measure Batting 5x5

Material Needed
1/2 yard material of your choice
1/2 yard of Batting 100% cotton
Needles for pinning
Sewing machine
Scotch Guard Spray
Remember you can cut the material with scissors or use a mat board
With a Rotary Cutter.

Start this project, by cutting your fabric and batting
Fabric  cut the square's  6x6
Batting, cut the squares 5x5

Now, Place the fabric squares right sides together;
Then place batting in the center of fabric and sew around the edges of batting material.
Try to catch the batting material as you sew,
As it will make it easier when you turn it right sides out!
Leave a little 1 inch opening so you can turn it right sides out.
Remember to use a thread that matches your fabric.

Tip: Make sure to cut off the tip of each corner after sewing the,
Batting on, as it makes it less bulky when turning.
Tip: Also iron the squares after you turn them inside out!
Then go around each one for a final stitch;
(Remember to backstitch so they stay securely together.

I like using a mat because I can have very straight lines
 And it protects the sewing surface.

You can make a different design for all sorts of holidays or special occasions!

I have made many sets for myself, and some for my friends!
It is also a very frugal gift to make with very little fabric;
A great craft to use up all those smaller bits of material.

I do hope you will try this sweet little craft. It is fun and makes such a nice gift.

May you all enjoy this month of February and make your home cozy and warm!

As Always,
Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy


  1. You made and sewed such pretty coasters Roxy. I hope you enjoy using them and thanks for showing how to make them. Thanks for your blog visit and I hope you enjoy watching some of those YouTubers. Hope you have a nice week.
    Hugs, Julie

  2. I love these! Thanks for the great idea. It's simple enough even I could make some. :-)
    Have a good week, Roxy!

  3. Thank you for this great little tutorial on making these coasters, Roxy. Nice gift idea, and for myself, as well. Love to you, my friend. xo

  4. Oh, the coasters are so pretty. Thank you for showing us how to make them. I'm enjoying your video clips.

  5. I loved listening to you explain how you make these. I've made some similar ones. I need some more, and I think your larger size is a good idea. I hadn't thought of the Scotch Guard. That's an excellent idea. I'm going to add these to my sewing list. I've a goal to complete a sewing project every week this year. So far so good!
    Blessings to you dear lady,
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  6. I really enjoy this tutorial. Thank you for taking the time to teach us. Your nature tree is charming. I hope one day you will will take us on a home tour and show us how you decorate your lovely home. I'm sure ladies would place orders if you decide to sell your handmade items...just a thought.
    Hugs from Shirley

  7. There is something so wonderful about watching and listening to you! I feel like a friend that you are talking to!
    Love the videos!

  8. I loved this little tutorial Roxy. The coasters are beautiful. I'm not that great at sewing, but I think I could manage these !! I enjoyed your video too as you have a very calm voice and explained everything very well. Thank you and God Bless ~ Linda


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