Saturday, February 8, 2020

An Easy Valentines Craft And A few Thoughts On Flying Apperance's...

Valentine Banner, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Hello, Can you believe we are celebrating another lovely holiday?
I wanted to share these sweet heart banner that I made years ago and,
It is still one of my very favorite banners!
When its over I place it in a drawer of my china hutch for the next year!

I just could not help myself in saying maybe too much on how my
Flying experience went last month!
But, It just helps me to be mindful of how I look when I am
Out in the world!

Vintage Looking Banner, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

Here is my homemade heart banner!

Heart Patterns, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Make a few different patterns of size and shapes of hearts!
Fat and wide or long and skinny...

Scrapbooking Paper, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Use some pretty scrapbooking paper, of colors and design you really like!
There are so many beautiful colors to choose from!

Once you cut out the hearts place them in the pattern you choose;
Now, slowly line them up on your sewing machine;
Leave a long tail of thread and sew them evenly apart!
I like to sew the hearts almost into the middle of each heart,
This way they lay nicely!
Then also leave a long ending tail of thread, as you use these strings
To hang them over a window or a china hutch or a mantel or just on a wall!

I do want to say may you take this time and share your love;
And creativity and always try to look your best!
Make and Bake something for those you LOVE...

As Always, Hugs and striving to remind myself;
Living From Glory To Glory...
~For His Glory~


  1. Hello Roxy, I love your pretty heart banner you made and it's just perfect for Valentine's Day. Thanks for sharing how to make one. Hope you have a nice weekend, week and a Happy Valentine's Day. Julie xo

  2. I think your banner is very pretty Roxy. I have a similar one you may have seen on my blog. I made it several years ago and it is made of crocheted hearts and I have it hung on our kitchen island.

    I, too, have sat in airports and just observed people. It's actually one of my favorite activities when traveling. Sitting in an airport or train station in Europe or Asia, with my knitting, and just watching people. People are so interesting. So many different characteristics, yet so much in common. I agree with your observations. For the most part men are groomed and dressed so much nicer than women. Actually, and sadly, they are usually nicer to fellow travelers than women too. I realize this is a generalization, but I have seen it many times over.
    Thank you for your video and and the reminder that someone is always looking and watching.

  3. Beautiful Roxy;
    Thank you for the wonderful encouragement. I appreciate your straight talk with a pure gentleness. Excellent insight and wisdom.
    I pray you get strong and healthy soon. Rest in our Lord.

  4. Dear Roxie - I want to tell you that I have enjoyed your blog for a year now and I am loving your little videos so much! Thank you for taking the time to be a Titus 2 woman. God bless you! - carol joy

  5. Thank you, Roxy, for an encouraging video. I hope you are feeling better! I also live in Michigan ~ and it is a struggle to look "put together" when you have to slosh around in the snow and cold -- all bundled up in layers! Thank you for your exhortation to always try to look our best!

  6. So glad to see you, Roxy. Your garland looks so pretty hanging on your mantle behind you as you recorded the video. I love the way you gently encourage us to be our best.
    Love to you.

  7. I hope you're feeling much better now, about 11 days since you posted the video. It was very nice to see and hear you speak. Your heart garland and mantle look so very nice, as do you in your handmade necklace. Thanks for sharing and encouraging women. I suppose some of the women in capri pants and flip flops were on layovers between warm environments. I visited Tampa, Florida one August, and I never felt such burning heat in my life. During that trip, it was so hot I seriously could not envision wearing closed up shoes and long pants ever again. Ha ha! Just to make poolside bearable, I wore a visor cap and used towels to shield the back of my neck, my arm and leg. Another time, my husband and I returned from a trip to the Dominican Republic in the first week of November. It was 90s deg F there, so we were dressed lightly, but when we landed at BWI in the U.S. it was low 40s. Eek! Like you, my husband was sick too on the way back. In fact, the crew put him in a wheelchair to reach the plane, but we had to deboard just before takeoff, again with help from the crew and medics. An ambulance took us to a hospital, but the fees were astronomical and they don't take our medical insurance or send invoices by mail. We opted to leave, despite a serious heart issue, and even then it was required that we pay $800 or else the police will be called. Guards were at the door, and outside was nothing but darkness and a guard booth. Thankfully, we managed to reach a relative in the U.S. who faxed a credit card info and permission to use it. We had saved and prepaid for the all-inclusive trip, and at that time I was pleased not to own a credit card. Since then, I determined if I travel again, I will have a credit line and access to emergency funds. Another thing, their airport closes at night, so we could not simply wait there after we left the hospital. We had to stay an extra night, unplanned after we had checked out of the resort, and we were at the mercy of the taxi driver to drive us around and find lodging. (I was traumatized, and I think by my husband being so sick at the time, he was less aware of what all we went through.) So, ladies, be careful as you branch out especially if you're used to staying close to home as I am. Alexine


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!