Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Video Called American Gospel Christ Alone...

American Gospel; Christ Alone Video 

Please take the time and watch this amazing video!
It is from YouTube...

I wanted to share this video about the Gospel!
I personally believe we have a watered down gospel,
And a feel good gospel!

This video is a powerhouse of truth!
Trust me, some of you may become offended;
But this is so needed in a culture of just try a little harder!
Build yourself up!
I am-----
Don't offend anyone...

Deception comes as an Angel of light;
In return you could be cast into the outer darkness,
~Separated from God for Eternity~

This is a long video, but you can watch it all at once or
In a few different settings!

Just click and be blessed!

Christ Alone

Beware of another Gospel being preached!

Always, Living From Grace for His Glory!


  1. I will watch this, Roxy. Have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana

  2. Dear Roxy,
    Thank you so much for bringing this incredible film to my attention.
    So much truth and exposing of the deception of the enemy.
    I will share this with many.
    God bless you

  3. Thank you for the video Roxy. I have been saying something very similar for awhile now and people always act like I'm expecting more than the Bible requires. Salvation is free they tell me. We don't have to do anything to pay for it. That may be true, I always reply, but there should be a heart, attitude and mindset change once we accept that salvation. Because we want to change. Because we love the Lord and want to please Him.

  4. Wonderful! Thank you for this. I am sharing it with others.

  5. I just watched this Roxy. I can see how some people would be upset and offended by truth. It's an excellent documentary and it really needs to be seen by every Christ follower. Thank you Roxy!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!