Monday, February 17, 2020

Sharing A Pretty Lace Treasure And The reality Of Homemaking...

Lace Doiles, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I really loved getting this set of four lace doilies or placements.
There is just something about lace and placement that I so enjoy!

~Being thankful for the strength and energy~

Also. Wanted to say that being at home and working
In your home and making it clean and tidy should be a joy!

But there will be days, that you just have to go with the flow;
It does not have to be a production,
Lights, music or perfection!

Doing two delicious things from my bread making moments...

Hope you enjoyed seeing Tasha, every time she hears this clip,
She starts looking around and does a little bark.

Here is a picture of the cards I made for my little grandchildren!
Homemade Cards, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Hugs, From Roxy @Living From Glory To Glory Blog


  1. Beautiful placemats Roxy. I want to make more doilies and was just thinking about it yesterday. I have them all around the house and like to give them as gifts to others. Tiny thread, but so pretty when completed. I hope you have a wonderful Monday.

  2. Hello sweet friend.
    I can understand why you bought those pretty placemats, Roxy. They will go well in your vintage home, where ever you decide to use them.
    Your Tasha is a clone of our little Bella that passed last Fall. How you must enjoy her.
    You post is great! I really love seeing you on here. It warms my heart to hear your voice. It's a wonderful reminder of our day together recently, Roxy. God is so good!!!
    I am happy you are feeling better, too.
    Love you, my friend.

  3. I love those beautiful lace placemats and even have some that are somewhat like them. I enjoyed your sweet videos today and I see that you even have a TASHA! We have one too...our little girl doxie! Have a blessed week!

  4. Thank you so much for your video clip, you are such an inspiration. Sue

  5. I love watching your videos Roxy and seeing your smile and gentle personality. Thank you for taking the time to share this post and video. I agree that it's so important that we go about our tasks with the right attitude. Your very encouraging. Blessings ~ Linda


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!