Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sharing A Dollar Tree Bargain...

Sponges From The Dollar Tree, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sharing A Dollar Tree Bargain...

Sponges in the kitchen;

Use a clean one every day!
Keep the sponge away from raw meat!
(If you are wiping up raw meat juice use a paper towel and throw away)
Do not keep them around for too long!
They say you can put a damp sponge in the microwave for One minute
(To Kill Bacteria)
But, with these very inexpensive sponges you can use a new one!!

Using a sponge in the kitchen is still a good tool;
Just be mindful of using a clean one every day!

On this same train of thought,
 Always use a clean dish cloth and towel every day!

And always keep clean rags available for cleaning up spills.

Also, I think you should have separate towels for hands and dishes!
I personally prefer to allow my pots and pans to air dry!

~Here is the clip showing the sponges I buy from Dollar Tree~

Framing And Sharing Your Loved Ones Art Work

Artist Corbin & Jenna

Taking the time to encourage our children and grandchildren
In hobbies and creating will help them use their God given talents!


  1. I will have to try out the sponges for DT Roxy. I like the rubber gloves from DT for washes dishes too. Hope you have a nice day and week. Thanks too for the blog visit on the pea soup I made.

  2. I love this wonderful tip Roxy! The Dollar Tree really has some great little bargains! Many blessings to you :)

  3. I shop at Dollar Tree often and will look for the sponges. Since I knit my own dishcloths, I have a lot and change them daily. I usually prefer them over sponges but I do like the scrubbie element of the sponge.
    Thanks for the video!

  4. So agree re raw meat tip Roxy, how lovely is that art too by the darling children.
    However I think using a new sponge every day just cos it's cheap is perhaps not the good way to go for land fill. That non-organic but man-made sponge will take ages to break down, that's why I won't use wet wipes any more. They're not biodegradable.
    So yes totally agree re rags ... re use and wash them just like the good old days, and a paper towel from recyclable material is great too.

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you, dear Roxy
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. I change out my sponges fairly often too!! But I use cellulose not synthetic ones. They're eco-friendly and can be used longer because you can sanitize them in the dishwasher or washing machine. The synthetic sponges are made with plastic and not good for the long haul in the landfills.

  6. So very true about sponges...and wash clothes. I have way more then I really need....just because well....things happen and I'd rather use a new one then spread germs about. I also use different towels for hands and for dishes.
    It's sweet to display the artwork... just because it makes them happy to.

  7. Enjoyed the video, Roxy, I do shop at Dollar Tree, and will look for the sponges. Both great ideas, thanks for sharing.


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