Monday, March 2, 2020

How To Prepare For Cornavirus And Other deadly Viruses As A Homemaker...

Keeping The Home Safe From Viruses, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Hello Ladies...

Here we are once again being challenged as a homemaker to keep watch...

Being diligent and being proactive is a powerful tool!

I wanted to share a few things to us that stay at home and are hearing,
All kinds of rather very alarming stories and scenarios.

But when these things start happening, are we to just laugh and ignore them?
And think everyone is an extremist?

I like to think of the Proverbs 31 Woman that laughs at the days to come;
Why did she laugh?

Well, I like to think she did because she made herself ready,
And also for her entire household!

We all know just how sick, we can get from the common cold!

These viruses are getting more and more powerful, but so many,
Are new to this century!

Well, firstly may I just share a few things I am doing!
Do not operate in fear, but in wisdom...

(I will start a list of what I do and how I prepared)

Wash your hands!!!
As soon as anyone comes into the house require them to wash their hands!

Wear those little gloves that cost a buck whenever you go out;
Once your home just throw them in the washing machine!

Make a new habit of not touching your face!!

Have antibacterial soap in the house;
I bought some Dial bar soap for very cheap.

Purchase some bleach super cheap; (If you can find any)

Rubbing alcohol; (If you can find any)

And we have been told to always have at least 2 weeks of provisions;
Just in case of house quarantine or natural disasters!

Also a fever reducing medicine!
Vitamin C

We are told elderly and children can have worse symptoms;
But these viruses can be deadly even in the healthy!
You can even have these viruses and not show signs of sickness.
But you could still transfer it to others!

Use Antibacterial wipes, wipe door knobs and phones daily,
Any surface that is touched by many people.
We have all seen the many ideas to stay healthy!
Abide by them...

Stay away from large crowds;
If someone coughs move away from them!

Always keep items you need to have if things escalate in your town or state.

Water, soups, crackers, juice or a pop you need to stay hydrated.
Extra food items that will last on your pantry shelves!
Extra items in your pantry are just plain wise!

You need to always have these things put back;
Rotate them and use them up!

If you have any ideas or suggestions to add;
Write them in the comment section!

Always learning and living from glory to glory...

Stay well and keep watch in every season...
Hugs, Roxy


  1. Very good advice Roxy. Two weeks ago I started preparing and people laughed at me. Well, I hope we never need the provisions and I pray we don't get sick ourselves but I believe we should be prepared. Our son lives in Japan and we've been hearing first hand how terrible this virus is. Also, we live in Washington State where there have already been two deaths. Schools are closed all over the state this morning because of positive tests. It makes me want to stay home and never go out! But, since that's impossible, I've tried to prepare.
    Wishing you a good Monday afternoon my friend.

  2. This virus is so scary and yes it makes me want to stay home and not go out but that is just impossible. We all need to take precautions like you have listed Roxy and thanks for sharing this blog post.

  3. As with all things, we are in the Lord's hands. No need to fear but just as you said: be prepared with things we should already have in our homes to care for our families needs. What brought the world out of much of the mass illnesses of the past was better cleanliness and hygiene.

  4. Thank you for the heads up Roxy. These are excellent suggestions.
    Praise God He is our protection from the deadly pestilence.

  5. Great advice. Roxy, we are preparing just using wisdom, not allowing fear from the media to dominate, thank you for reminding us to use wisdom and not be fearful!.

  6. Virus or no virus I love the feeling of a full freezer and stocked pantry. If the only thing that hits is a case of the homebody blues I'm ready ♥️

  7. Great tips Roxy. I especially like your references to being prepared, but not living in fear. I believe that is how the Lord would have us to live, always. Great idea to have everyone wash their hands upon entering the home!

  8. Wonderful tips! I think also keeping our immune systems boosted with healthy foods and not eating too much sugar(one of my weaknesses!) can help. Trusting the Lord and not being fearful is perfect advice, since fear and stress also weaken our immune system. Psalm 91

  9. We were to visit our grandchildren in Seattle (the same neighborhood as the outbreak).
    We canceled not because were are fearful but to see how it plays out.
    Every time we go and visit them (they are in daycare) we pump ourselves with vitamin C, D, a Probiotic and get plenty of sleep.
    The older we get the hard it is to heal. Your suggestions at perfect.
    I'm not afraid of any virus but I do want to be strong and healthy. And if I do get sick, I will be on top of it. But IF I can't, I know I'll be going HOME.

  10. These are all excellent suggestions, Roxy. I have done all you have mentioned, except that I don't wear gloves when I go out - I take antiseptic wipes with me and wipe down the cart handles, bank machine keypads, etc. - and when I get back to my car I use hand sanitizer. However, I may have to switch to using gloves soon, as the hand sanitizer is sold out of every store I have been to in the last week.

  11. These are good sensible suggestions. Thank you.

  12. I wrote a post today with some suggestions.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!