Monday, March 9, 2020

The Importance Of Celebrating Those You Love, And A Video Clip... Birthdays And Special Moments

Sending Birthday Cards, Living from glory to glory Blog...

Learning to celebrate others,
Showing honor and making others feel special!

I was just thinking about how lovely it is when I receive an inquiry
About how I am doing or feeling on any given day!
But when we stop to think about sharing special days;
Of those we know and care about!
Especially those we love in our families!

It's about giving honor and showing that the other person matters!

We are pretty self absorbed these days and just so busy.

Give honor where honor is due!

It is not too late to purchase a pack of note cards or birthday or get well ones!
And try to send ONE card a month...

Or just a quick note on a single page!

Or you can send a card through email!

Well, I just wanted to say thank you for those that have
Been coming to this Blog for so many years!
Blogging has just been a wonderful source for me to;
Encourage others...

I have written over 900 hundred blog posts to date!

I keep asking myself, should I keep blogging?
Well, until then
Blog on and Plod on...

xoxo Roxy


  1. Jilda and I send cards often. Most of the time they are hand written but we do send Jacquie Lawson cards too.
    Blogging seems to get in your blood.
    I’ve been doing a daily post since December of 2005.
    I just looked at my stats after reading your post and I have posted 5254. Just typing this seems unreal.
    Keep on blogging girlfren:)

  2. I, for one, am glad that you're still blogging. I always pick up a tidbit of encouragement or new information when I read here.
    I love sending cards and send several each week. The postage is getting frustrating, but I will continue as long as I can. I like "real" cards best over ecards as I can read them over and over.

  3. Please do keep blogging dear. I cannot come daily, but I love knowing that I can come here and catch up. I will never forget your call when I was starting chemo for breast cancer. Your call meant more than you can ever know. I felt your love, your prayers, and your kindness. They shall know we are Christians by our love.
    I've fallen off on sending cards...and blogging. I need to dedicate the time, because I know that it means so much to the receiver. God bless you dearie.
    Your friend,

  4. I hope you keep blogging for a long time. Your gentle encouragement and beautiful pictures always lift my spirits.

  5. It is so important to let people know they are important to us any time of the year. Too often we wait for specific dates on the calendar when we could do it anytime. I've started to make some more cards...just to have some on hand to share in spontaneous moments when I think of someone.
    I love your blog, and am so glad that you continue to write and share with us!

  6. I enjoy visiting your blog each week and congratulations on 900 blog posts. I do hope that you will continue to blog from time to time. Take care and be well.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!