Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Use Disinfected Sprays And The Benefits Of Wearing Rubber Gloves And A Short Video Clip...

Wearing Rubber Gloves, Living from glory to glory blog...

I think we are all feeling some of the stress of this virus;
Even if you live in a place with no known cases,
It is invisible and is spread very easily.

So I wanted to share something that you may already know about.

But if you are not aware of this it could benefit you and yours!

I always spray down my counter tops in my kitchen,
And my bathroom often.
Also, if someone is sick in the home, I will do it daily!

So if you use a disinfectant spray, you must take into account,
{Dwell Time}
This is the amount of time you leave the product on the surface,
BEFORE you wipe it off...

Seven to Ten minutes;
Some may require a longer time!

Use a paper towel and throw it away
(If you can find paper towels)
If not, use a clean rag,
 Then wash with bleach in your washing machine!

In these times of personal distancing
6 feet apart
And only 10 people in gatherings

It is wise to use wisdom in your hand towels and bath towels.

Please drink water every 15 minutes to keep throat moist
Stay home!!
(If you can)

Please stay well and obey the laws and rules put in place,
By our city and government officials...
They have your best interest at stake!

Blessings to you all
Stay healthy and keep praying for yourself and others!

Ways To Prepare for the COVID 19 Virus

Thanks Julie @
Julies Creative Lifestyle Blog

Living from glory to glory...


  1. That is a good reminder about the dwell time. Be well friend.

  2. Thanks for that reminder. I'm guilty of wiping the spray off right away. I'll do better now with your wonderful reminder.
    Take care and stay well.

  3. I appreciate all your advice.
    I wish I had picked up some those pink gloves before I went into quarantine!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!